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Epic fail at Loch Rannoch


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I arrived at Loch Rannoch in Perthsire yesterday for a week's holiday with Mrs T and the dog. Out of hope rather than expectation I packed my TV60, Panoptic 15mm and 24mm and a Manfroto camera tripod to use either as a spotting scope or for some night sky action.

With great surprise I looked out just after dark to see the crescent Moon accompanied by Mars and Venus hovering above the mountains on the opposite side of the Loch. I quickly grabbed the gear and started to set-up on the balcony only to find that I had a Vixen dovetail bolted to the TV60, no Allen keys and no camera mounting adapter in the bag :cry:

I managed to get a reasonable view of the Moon using the TV60 like a Pirate's scope but the planets were buzzing around like fireflies.

Hey ho - I'll have to make do with the bins if the skies remain clear :rolleyes2:


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41 minutes ago, nightfisher said:

oops, sounds like the time i went to peak star party and set up tent and stuff, only to find i had left my eyepiece`s at home.........yes i went back for them and no i did not get to use them

Did anyone get to use an eyepiece at any PSP?!....clear tonight Derek

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1 hour ago, estwing said:

clear tonight Derek

It certainly is, Calvin!

I just managed to balance my TV60 on the railings of our balcony to get a lovely view of M42 so my disappointment in failing to bring the right equipment has been lessened slightly. In all honesty all I expected to see was cloud this week so the few glimpses I have had are more than I would have bet on.

Let's hope tomorrow is another sunny day...


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30 minutes ago, bish said:

It's tough being a astronomer - especially when the hardships are self inflicted! Scanning the dark sky with bins will still be a treat though.

Yip - and it's even better with a glass of Lagavulin :grin:


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Have a great holiday and I hope you get some clear skies. The moon still sets relatively early so you might be able to get your dark sky fix. It is amazing what bins can reveal in a dark sky area. Plus the fact it's the fasted grab and go on the planet, bar the Mk1 eyeball...  :D

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Back home now after a very enjoyable week at Loch Rannoch :smile:

Here are a few more pictures...

Blue Sky.jpg








I might have missed out on using my TV60 but still managed to get some very nice observing in :grin:


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Great photographs Derek and a stunning location. This thread brought back some memories, I was at Loch Rannoch at the time of the great comet Hale-Bopp, myself and my then girllfriend parked near Rannoch Station and backpacked the long trail to stop over at Ben Alder bothy. The comet blazed in the sky above the cold snow covered landscape. I went onto climb Ben Alder, with full winter attire, crampons, ice axe, awesome trip. 

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6 hours ago, scarp15 said:

Great photographs Derek and a stunning location. This thread brought back some memories, I was at Loch Rannoch at the time of the great comet Hale-Bopp, myself and my then girllfriend parked near Rannoch Station and backpacked the long trail to stop over at Ben Alder bothy. The comet blazed in the sky above the cold snow covered landscape. I went onto climb Ben Alder, with full winter attire, crampons, ice axe, awesome trip. 

That's a long time ago, Iain, but about 8 years after my first trip to Rannoch :smile:

I managed a short walk on Rannoch Moor from the station this year but I'm sorry to say my dodgy knees prevent me from going up those lovely Munros these days. To be honest, it was like torture seeing Schiehallion out of the window every day for a week and not being able to go up and enjoy the view :sad:

Perhaps a couple of new knees would be a good idea before my next trip :wink:



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Sorry to hear of that Derek, good that you got some low level walking in though. Trekking poles are a must I think, particularly with the rough terrain, my knees are fortunately holding up, but I have developed a dodgy ankle. I have made several trips in which I have taken the train starting from Newcastle to Rannoch or Corrour station and have trekked, wild camped whilst taking in many of the munros in this area. Yes Schiehallion is a lovely and shapely mountain, a favourite and one of a small handful that my wife has walked up. 

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