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A Really Supermoon!


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November 14, 2016, the closest moon approach since 1948! A scant 221,524 miles away, the moon won't be nearly this close again until November 25, 2034. Smoke from North Georgia wildfires casts a thin veil over the night sky, but not enough to blot out the SUPERMOON!

Cheers and high tides!


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I find that the most obvious difference at Supermoon is the increased visual brightness, excellent though they are, the stand alone images could be any full moon unless they are either paired with a "normal" image with the same photographic specifications or against some form of backdrop.  :icon_biggrin:

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8 hours ago, Peter Drew said:

I find that the most obvious difference at Supermoon is the increased visual brightness, excellent though they are, the stand alone images could be any full moon unless they are either paired with a "normal" image with the same photographic specifications or against some form of backdrop.  :icon_biggrin:

Yes, you're right, Peter, about the stand-alone images. And the term "supermoon" has been applied rather loosely over the past few years to apply to any monthly perigee. I'd like to catch several moonrises, including a Supermoon, for comparison at some point. But for now, it's enough for me to know that this one is especially close, at least until 2034! :happy6:

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9 hours ago, johnfosteruk said:

Stunning Reggie. Cloud here and saw nothing

Thanks, John, and this video was shot through a thin veil of smoke from wildfires to the north. It's been very dry here, which is good for astronomy, but dangerous for fires. I would actually appreciate a little cloud WITH RAIN to clear things out (but only for a few days)!

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10 hours ago, xtreemchaos said:

great vid Reggie, nothing but cloud and fog here in south wales, but after seeing your vid I don't feel as bad for missing it.  thanks, charl.

Thanks, Charl. Though it's been smoky here, with the winds blowing off wildfires to the north. We need a little cloud and rain to clear things out!

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