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Televue 32mm Plossl - Dissapointed

Alan White

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18 minutes ago, Alan White said:

So one extender as a starting point.
This is one expensive Plossl.

I've almost always bought my Tele Vues on the used market to be honest - they are very expensive now to buy new.

The Nagler 31mm is now £600+ and Ethos 21 £800+ to buy new - try not to get a taste for such things :rolleyes2:


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14 minutes ago, Alan White said:

I could not afford to talk that level of money presently, note the word presently!!



Best thing Alan is never to be tempted to look into someone else's Ethos to see what they are like. That way you will not get a taste for such eyepieces and bankrupt yourself. Stay away from the" Dark side "Ethos ?  

Edited by Timebandit
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1 minute ago, Alan White said:

But the force is strong.........


?Lol. The force may be strong. But if your wife finds out you have joined the ,"Dark side" Ethos I do dread to think of the consequences when she finds out the cost that the "Dark Side" brings?

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Just a final update for all who have had an input in this thread:

I have returned the 32mm TV Plossl to the vendor, who has given me a credit note and I have bought a 32mm Celestron Plossl.
The Omni has a far deeper inset optics, so the eyerelief is accurate for the eyecup; ideal for a non glasses wearer when viewing (but probably not if you wear glasses).

I am in mixed minds about handing back the TV as I like my other TV Plossl; the price new is extreme in comparison to all other Plossl I have seen.
To then need to by an eye cup extension for another £37 incl delivery was just too far for me at present ( The Omni was not much more than this in itself!).

The good thing is the EP was a present from mt wife, who fully understands the quandry I have been in and was the driver to return it and make myself happy with the purchase. As my signature says 'Understanding Wife'.

Again thank you to all who have commented and provided advice, all very much appreciated.

24mm ES 68 in the future, who knows, possibly subject to pennies.
First I may be looking for a driven mount in addition to my AZ4, I am weakening the the lure of photographic side as well as visual.
An even bigger money pit than the EP one I have fallen into!

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Probably a good move to change it if you didn't like it.

The ES 24 / 68 eyepieces are excellent, show as much sky as a 32mm plossl, darker background sky (if you have some light pollution) and are less expensive than the TV plossl. Well worth considering I reckon :icon_biggrin:

Edited by John
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13 minutes ago, Alan White said:

Just a final update for all who have had an input in this thread:

I have returned the 32mm TV Plossl to the vendor, who has given me a credit note and I have bought a 32mm Celestron Plossl.
The Omni has a far deeper inset optics, so the eyerelief is accurate for the eyecup; ideal for a non glasses wearer when viewing (but probably not if you wear glasses).

I am in mixed minds about handing back the TV as I like my other TV Plossl; the price new is extreme in comparison to all other Plossl I have seen.
To then need to by an eye cup extension for another £37 incl delivery was just too far for me at present ( The Omni was not much more than this in itself!).

The good thing is the EP was a present from mt wife, who fully understands the quandry I have been in and was the driver to return it and make myself happy with the purchase. As my signature says 'Understanding Wife'.

Again thank you to all who have commented and provided advice, all very much appreciated.

24mm ES 68 in the future, who knows, possibly subject to pennies.
First I may be looking for a driven mount in addition to my AZ4, I am weakening the the lure of photographic side as well as visual.
An even bigger money pit than the EP one I have fallen into!


Hi Alan . Probably the correct choice for you and your eyes. There is nothing worse than spending a lot of money on a piece of kit and feeling let down?.  And to your eyes and the expense televues are now I got the feeling you thought you did not get value for money. So probably the correct choice you.

Just for future reference the ES do get some good feedback on SGL and I understand they are good for scope down to f/5. If you wish to go for a wider view eyepiece 82d in the future and don't want to spend TV nagler type of money. Then another possibility is the William optics uwan and the skywatcher Nirvana ( I think there is a school of thought they are the same eyepieces). I have used my William Optics uwan in a f /4.6 scope and it seems to perform very well. And you therefore do not have to spend televues type of money, quality IMO is good in televues but just so over priced now. 

As for you going into Astro photography I can see some deep pockets are going to be needed?

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....ditto. If it's not for you, then a change is required, and  I`ll bet you feel more satisfied now!
I'm about to (hopefully) complete the last two EPs in my Revelation Astro collection this weekend, for a midweek delivery? That will complete my Plössl collection.  Cheap as chips, yet stunning views for their price,  comfortable too?

What if,  you  tell the Mrs, that there is an issue with the present telescope and you need  another?.....................I wonder how understanding she will remain? :hmh:

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49 minutes ago, Charic said:

What if,  you  tell the Mrs, that there is an issue with the present telescope and you need  another?.....................I wonder how understanding she will remain? :hmh:

Charic, you are so bad!
Yes I think she would understand enough: but only after a lot of silence and dark looks.

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  • 2 years later...
On 05/10/2016 at 20:52, Alan White said:

I bought a new 32mm TV Plossl from Simon at Widescreen Centre a week or so ago; last week of the London Store, I paid £143.
Anyway, finally a short first light tonight and I am dissapointed, had set my heart on it being great :sad2:

Such long eye relief it kidney beans on my 6" 150p Newtonian, I stuck in my 25mm Meade 4000 and although the clarity was better in the TV, I found it very easy to use.
Big shame as my Mrs bought it for my 50th birthday, so doubly sad.

Is this just too much for my scope, the EP or me.
Your thoughts and advice please.

I thought I should update this old thread of my making.

I have bought another 32mm TV Plossl for use with my OOUK OD150 f5 Newtonian.
It has had several uses now and I have come to a different conclusion.
The EP is great, you just need to be more experienced with not mashing your eye into the eyecup.

Very pleased with this now, just wish the original one had worked out at the time, 
but water under the bridge now.

Funny how these things work through over time.


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I found the TV 32mm plossl excellent when the eyecup extender is fitted but rather frustrating without that accessory.

It is funny how ones impression of an eyepiece can change though. I owned a couple of 3-6mm nagler zooms in the past but didn't take to them. I've had the 2-4mm version for quite a while now (same ergonomics) and I really like it. Go figure, as our US friends sometimes say :smiley:


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21 hours ago, John said:

It is funny how ones impression of an eyepiece can change though

I find this too- the Delos are back and are top except for one small issue (for me). The 32mm TV plossl is an excellent eyepiece and I run a pair of them in the binoviewrs, both with eyeguard extenders.

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I can't speak to TV32mm but for the TV40mm plossl yes based on last night's viewing.  My wife (who wears glasses, loves the stars but is not an optics geek) looked through a TV40 for the first time (no "how-to" tips etc) and then later through a 20mm Erfle, 15mm Delite, 12mm Nagler.  She loved the wider views of the plossl a lot more (ie, the EP disappeared for her, which I suppose is it doing its job!).  I think a Panoptic is on the horizon...

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8 hours ago, Louis D said:

Are the TV 32mm Plossls easy to use with eyeglasses due to the long eye relief?

I don’t generally use glasses to observe, but I do just occasionally when sketching and for me my 32mm TV Plossl is fine with my reading specs.   I know some have issues without specs but I don’t myself, I’ve just got used to the eye placement. I do agree that it shouldn’t be necessary for some users to have to pay extra for an eyepiece extension, a simple screw up eyeguard would have been nice.

But for public outreach where users are not used to viewing, I have a 26mm Vixen Plossl that is perfect for those times.


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The Explore 24mm/68° and the maxvision 18mm/82° have the same true field as the Tele Vue 32mm/50° or the 40mm/43° but with a more panoramic view and more magnification.

Both have a maximal diameter field lens:



(and cleaner lenses inside the Explore but they rest on a powerful torch so the slightest particle looks enormous)

And what about eye relief? Do the pupil on paper test and you can compare with your own.



This is a ceiling tube lamp so the pupil looks like a line but the pupil on paper test is valid as long as the pupil is focused sharp on the paper.

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And both are not the TV Plossl that I am writing about.
This is a re-post about not liking and then in time liking the same one.
I started this in 2016 ans did not get along with them.
NOw in NOv 2019, things have changed.

Yes the 68 degrees is nice, a Panoptic 24mm does the same, but with a Dioptrx unit the extended Eye relief on the 32mm
does not reduce the field visible, it does in the wider eyepieces, notably as they are much shorter eye relief.


Edited by Alan White
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13 minutes ago, Alan White said:

And both are not the TV Plossl that I am writing about, this is a post about not liking and then in time liking the same one.

Yes the 68 degrees is nice, a Panoptic 24mm does the same, but with a Dioptrx unit the extended Eye relief on the 32mm
does not reduce the field visible, it does in the wider eyepieces, notably as they are much shorter eye relief.


Good points Alan. A discussion of other max field 1.25 inch eyepieces can happen in another thread. I'm pleased that you are pleased with your 32mm TV plossl :icon_biggrin:

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What can be said is the excellent Televue plossls have great scatter control vs the other mentioned eyepieces. The TV plossls are my goto's for certain objects like Horse Head last night in the 24", both the 32mm TV and 25mm TV plossls are excellent for this and much more.

Under the best of conditions here these eyepieces will pick out the HH with no filter.

I'm glad you are now happy with these eyepieces Alan.

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1 hour ago, Alan White said:

both are not the TV Plossl that I am writing about

You should have said that to all who mentioned other eyepieces more than 40 times in this thread, and to yourself, 13 times.


On 10/10/2016 at 18:27, John said:

The Nagler 31mm is now £600+ and Ethos 21 £800+


On 16/10/2016 at 11:26, John said:

The ES 24 / 68 eyepieces are excellent


On 30/11/2019 at 19:40, John said:

I owned a couple of 3-6mm nagler zooms in the past but didn't take to them. I've had the 2-4mm

Same for you.

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My earlier 2 posts were made in 2016 when this thread was young. My more recent one (after Alan's re-boot of the thread) was simply agreeing that personal feelings on an eyepiece can change citing the Nagler zoom as a personal example.

Your post introduced two different eyepieces by different manufacturers which did not seem relevant to the topic being discussed since Alan updated us on his experience with the 32mm Tele Vue Plossl.

Still, no harm done so lets just move on ? :smiley:


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