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astro pc upgraded to SSD


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Upgraded my astro pc to a SSD drive ,fairly simple process ,cloned drive with easeus to do software ,so copied everything on old hdd to new ssd , straight forward to do once new drive cloned simply took out old drive replaced with new ,i will install old drive into a caddy and take out dvd drive later on once im happy everything working ok ,but what a difference no waiting it`s instant im sure capturing data will be smoother with the qhy5-11 :icon_biggrin: ssd cost £45 from mymemory,an  integral 240GB, my old hdd is 1TB so plenty of storage now ,and caddy for dvd drive was a tenner from amazon  ,definetley an upgrade worth doing .

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Once you are happy everything is in order. Just create a disc image of your new ssd drive to your old hdd. Great backup and, as you say, plenty of storage for all those wonderful images you are going to capture. :)



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