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ZWO ASI120 USB2 upgrade for Linux


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I setting up a second astrophotography equipment, to make it practical I bought a second camera for auto guiding. It's a used ZWO ASI120mm with the old USB2. It will be used with a Raspberry which use Linux. Bad chosie because it didn't work with Linux and all say it's very complicated to get it to work correctly.

I gave it a try and collected all information from INDI forum and others and got it to work.

Here is my documentation if someone else has the same problem:


Note, I havn't tested it under a clear sky yet.


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The firmware of my old 120mm mini guide camera can't be upgraded using that tool. 

I had nothing but troubly trying to use Astroberry and I partly blame that on the joint USB foibles of the camera and the Ras Pi4. I later tried a Mini PC running Ubuntu and Ekos/KStars, that too was as crashy as a crashy thing in a crashy place. I dindn't dwell on it. I just used the same mini PC with W10 and its fine. So that certainly ruled out hardware issues. 

I hear that the newer 120mm with the USB3 interface is much better with Linux stuff.

Good luck with your upgrade, keep us posted! 


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Yes I read about all struggle people had with there old ASI120 cameras. My camera is not the mini as yours. But is there any difference in the electronics ?


Now I'm waiting for a clear sky to do a real test how it behave.



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