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assembling solar filter

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hello guys,

ive got sk solar filter with my 3.5 meade polaris telescope,but im having trouble with assemble it,

i try to Installed by rotation or little bit hard nut i scared that i will breake it ,

if someone can give my tips advices or videos how to assemble that will be great.



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Perhaps it's the wrong one, I wouldn't risk your eyes with it even if you get it on it might fly off when you're observing.

Get something like this with positive location and even then I'd use a bit of duct tape as well.

You only get one pair of eyes  so don't risk it.



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You have a filter that is slightly too big I'm afraid , those are designed to push-fit inside the end of the dew shield not on the outside ... the small sprung lugs are made to grip the internal face.

I would recommend measuring the internal diameter of your 'scope's front end and then talking to your supplier with a view getting it swapped for the correct size.

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Yes to above - it should simply 'slip' into the dew-shield. Most problems of this sort are finding it's too loose inside the tube, requiring something to add to make the fit tighter. But yours is too big in diameter to get it into the dew-shield, yes? I'd suggest not trying to force it - but call the shop that sold it to you and see if they can't find one that does fit.

If you break it, the shop may not care to replace it with the correct size model.

Best of luck!


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That filter body, the flange and tabs, looks just like the way the dustcover for my 6" f/5 Newtonian fits, and with the flange and tabs on the inside of the tube after insertion, not on the outside. 

That one is simply too large.  Return it and submit the inside diameter of the dew-shield of your refractor to the vendor that sold it to you. 

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11 minutes ago, kodos55557 said:

hey and thank's for the fast comments,

iv'e taiked with the seller and he tell me to paste the solar filter withInsulating tape,

hope to catch some sunspots :icon_biggrin:

Probably not good advice from the seller. If the filter is not attached securely it may pop off and then you will get unfiltered sunlight entering your eye. 

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5 minutes ago, Cornelius Varley said:

Probably not good advice from the seller. If the filter is not attached securely it may pop off and then you will get unfiltered sunlight entering your eye. 

if I secures the filter twice with insulating tape what are the chances that something might happen??

iv'e check with him twice and ask him if something might happen and he tell me that theres nothnig to worry about

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28 minutes ago, kodos55557 said:

if I secures the filter twice with insulating tape what are the chances that something might happen??

iv'e check with him twice and ask him if something might happen and he tell me that theres nothnig to worry about

Get it in writing then you can sue when you go blind.


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38 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Get it in writing then you can sue when you go blind.



dont understand me wrong soory if that what i did,

what iwant to say is that i taik with the seller who is The official importer of telescopes in Israel,he said to me that i need to duck tape the solar fillter ,

iv'e try to look know but i doesnt see anything,maybe i need to watch in afternoon with it???

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20 minutes ago, kodos55557 said:


dont understand me wrong soory if that what i did,

what iwant to say is that i taik with the seller who is The official importer of telescopes in Israel,he said to me that i need to duck tape the solar fillter ,

iv'e try to look know but i doesnt see anything,maybe i need to watch in afternoon with it???

I wouldn't risk it. The filter is clearly not suitable for the telescope, it doesn't fit as intended, and should be replaced with one more suitable. In the UK there is a legal phrase "not of merchantable quality and unfit for purpose" which would apply for the solar filter.

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Peter - above - is correct for us here in the USA, though different words are used.

The filter doesn't fit. The seller is responsible for either sending you one that DOES fit. Or refunding your money. Period. So please don't tape it on - your vision is at risk here! If you get your money back - let us know and we can help you find a reputable seller that ships to your location, and stands behind their sales to you without some BAD advice about taping or ??? something else dangerous to your health and eyesight.


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You shouldn't have to tape it onto the telescope. And you shouldn't do that, for the reasons already mentioned above.

The filter should FIT your scope and, if it doesn't, then the seller should refund your money or supply one that DOES fit. No reputable seller would advise you to tape on an ill-fitting filter. I'm sure you would be very careful to make certain it was safe but that's not the point. OK if you'd picked up something cheap or free and then it's your decision to 'fudge' it. But if you have purchased this filter you have been supplied with an unacceptable item.

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iv'e watch with the solar filter 10 minutes ago and it great, couldn't see the sunspot but i see little flames around the sun,of course i dont want to risk my eyes for that and i will not, but for now it seems okay to take glance with it.

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1 hour ago, kodos55557 said:

iv'e watch with the solar filter 10 minutes ago and it great, couldn't see the sunspot but i see little flames around the sun,of course i dont want to risk my eyes for that and i will not, but for now it seems okay to take glance with it.

NO! NO! NO! all it takes to burn your retina is a glance.



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1 hour ago, kodos55557 said:

iv'e watch with the solar filter 10 minutes ago and it great, couldn't see the sunspot but i see little flames around the sun,of course i dont want to risk my eyes for that and i will not, but for now it seems okay to take glance with it.

Whatever you saw you didn't see "the little flames around the Sun" , you will never see the prominences through a whitelight filter.

I feel you are making a very unwise decision to keep using this filter but there is obviously nothing anyone on here can say to dissuade you  ....

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I need to be careful here, kodos, so as not to breach SGL's code of conduct, but you are being almost unbelievably determined to put yourself at risk. despite all responders telling you not to do so.

Why did you post a question and then now reject the advice given? 

And as Steve pointed out, you did not see prominences through a white light filter. That's impossible - and you're being impossible!

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If you are not going to return the filter, and you are bound and determined to use the filter, at least rebuild it into a proper fitting mount as described here.  I made a couple of solar filters for my scopes using these instructions about 15 years ago when Baader Solar Film first came out, and they are still performing great.

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10 hours ago, kodos55557 said:

if I secures the filter twice with insulating tape what are the chances that something might happen??

iv'e check with him twice and ask him if something might happen and he tell me that theres nothnig to worry about

of course theres nothing for him to worry about, he's got your money and they are not his eyes at risk, please dont risk it, one set of eyes is all you get,

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I will not use this filter, ultimately As you all you said I should buy an appropriate filter, my eyes are not worth the risk, and I will listen to your advice.
it was just curiosity and nothing else,i think i will but filter with the three Nails.
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