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ASI 290mm first light

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Seeing was obviously wobbly for my first shots with the new camera, But I think it showing promise. Boy this camera is fast compared to my old DMK more sensitive too.

I noticed some faint horizontal lines on the top of the chip, not too sure what that's about. The planets were away from this area, Hoping its not something that is going to show up on lunar when I start. which is mostly what I got the camera for, now planets are going south.

I captured 58000 frames in six minuets on Mars on red, faster could be had if I had done even smaller ROI.  Histogram was about 70%, gain fairly low around 50 or 60%, and with only 245 mm optics. The 300p will have better stats for sure. Quite remarkable.

The 3x barlow with filter wheel was too much at f6.3 think I am going to need a 2x Barlow.

The Saturn shots i removed the filter wheel and screwed the red filter into the nosepiece, which helped,  without doing that, Saturn was massive, and dare i say, blurry as heck at 17 degrees.

Think I am going to like this camera. A warm thank you goes out to Freddie who has been helping me of late, get my head around some issues. I think the play on my mount is now gone.

Cheers Freddie. your a gentleman.

Orion 245mm Newt, Astronomik filters, NEQ6,  ASI290MM  sharpcap  capturing and processing on a different laptop, so unsure how the processing will look on other monitors ?


sat 2.png

Another capture

sat 4.png


Mars Synth green

mar synth green.png

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2 hours ago, Freddie said:

Nice shots give both planets are way past their best.

Happy to have helped out with the mount etc, looking forward to your first lunar shots with that new cam.

Cheers Freddie, hopefully the moon shots will be at a much higher quality level. Just posted up a frame of the lines

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Those are impressive Neil for very low altitude.  To get any albedo on Mars with edges and banding on Saturn.  Surely now begging for an ADC to accompany?


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Hi Neil, well done on a half centrury! The 290MM looking good already. There shouldn't be any fixed noise patterns especially at <90% gain, so not sure what the problem is. Try putting a message on the ZWO forum.

The Mars image is very good for the UK this year. Saturn is just soft from poor seeing.

Best wishes


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1 hour ago, astroman001 said:



Hi Neil, well done on a half centrury! The 290MM looking good already. There shouldn't be any fixed noise patterns especially at <90% gain, so not sure what the problem is. Try putting a message on the ZWO forum.

The Mars image is very good for the UK this year. Saturn is just soft from poor seeing.

Best wishes


Hi Peter does this look odd to you then ? I may email them the image




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7 hours ago, johnh said:

Those are impressive Neil for very low altitude.  To get any albedo on Mars with edges and banding on Saturn.  Surely now begging for an ADC to accompany?


Being only the blue channel affected, in mono I am not sure a ADC would help a lot. Yes it would tighten the blue for sure, now planets are somewhat south, is it really worth it ?  

  There may be some benefit on Jupiter 30 degrees next year But how much a better blue is going to raise any level of quality at that low quality elevation remains to be seen perhaps ?

I am uncertain

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Hi Simon Thanks. Lunar is going to be a lot fun with this camera. Although my frame rates are limited at full res without SSD on my laptop, using smaller ROIs I can shoot high frame rates and fast exposures like never before on the moon. It should be good

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18 hours ago, astroman001 said:

Yes, I have not seen this on the 120MM or 224MC chips.


Here was ZWOs response

the 290 did have very faint horizontal line noise, they should be random and will disappear after stacking
I suspect you use very high gain for this image so they are move obvious END

Not sure what random means in this situation as they appear strongest in the same place all the time ?

They appear at the top more obvious the smaller the ROI. I think it is compressing them and making them more obvious or even stronger. likely just more obvious ?

gain was about 70% which is not horrendously high, though at the moment they do appear to be stacking out which is positive

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New camera Neil!?!

Hope you sort things out quickly, the small pixels make image scale something of a challenge to keep a tight rein on but do-able...not sure about random horizontal banding personally...

Wet down here although have taken some nice shots but haven't bothered with too much posting, incapacitated a bit with my legs atm but  we hope to go out tomorrow for a few nights...weather has been woeful here lately.

Yes, as someone said with an ADC these newer cameras should assist Northerners with planetary imaging despite the low elevations - there have been some real corkers from people at similar latitudes to you from folks this apparition.

We took one of those newish SW 18" scopes for a test trial & am satisfied with the optics but slipped/stumbled off of a step-ladder during testing one night, smashed my power box & my knee somewhat...hobbling badly atm, those big newts are dangerous!

Hope to have it fully-operational very soon but it also makes the C14 appear like a baby scope! ;)


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Sorry to hear about the accident, hope the knee heals quickly, will be interesting to see if the SW can generally, or even intermittently do better than the C14, the extra light might enable faster exposures and frame rates on Neptune and Uranus perhaps ? will be interesting to see if that is the case from you.

I can see already why you like the 290, I have not had a camera this good before, it really does open up more possibilities on many targets.

I will give Neptune and Uranus a go with the 300p, though will need better seeing than we often get.  Neptune 30 degrees Uranus somewhat better at 45

Time to use the go to for a easy life




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Yes, goto does make things easier Neil...but Neptune is right next to Lambda Aquarii which is an easy naked-eye target...& Uranus isn't very hard anyway...

But the goto really does simplify things & while we were testing this new scope with the alt/az drive it was almost indispensable to get it to track half-reasonably...probably would make the EQ8 better also by doing the 2-star alignment for goto capability...might try it this week.

I've said a few times that there might not be much to gain from this newie over the C14 but "technically" there's a 65% light-grasp improvement & it is with N & U where that "might" show up best...still a couple of improvements to do & the GEM bracket won't be finished till I sort out the dovetail bar arrangement so it'll be the C14 which I've just done a spit & polish to that we'll use over the next few nights...

"Yes" the newer cameras have really made some noticeable improvements & I'm sure at the very least it'll offer something extra for you with Lunar imaging, but planetary will be better also imo for you despite elevation problems!

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8 hours ago, Kokatha man said:

Yes, goto does make things easier Neil...but Neptune is right next to Lambda Aquarii which is an easy naked-eye target...& Uranus isn't very hard anyway...

But the goto really does simplify things & while we were testing this new scope with the alt/az drive it was almost indispensable to get it to track half-reasonably...probably would make the EQ8 better also by doing the 2-star alignment for goto capability...might try it this week.

I've said a few times that there might not be much to gain from this newie over the C14 but "technically" there's a 65% light-grasp improvement & it is with N & U where that "might" show up best...still a couple of improvements to do & the GEM bracket won't be finished till I sort out the dovetail bar arrangement so it'll be the C14 which I've just done a spit & polish to that we'll use over the next few nights...

"Yes" the newer cameras have really made some noticeable improvements & I'm sure at the very least it'll offer something extra for you with Lunar imaging, but planetary will be better also imo for you despite elevation problems!

Seems that way Darryl, even less noise, or faster exposures, better resolving power on tiny Uranus Neptune. I agree, I reckon it is here that it might show the most benefit perhaps

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