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*very* lightweight dobsonian: Explore Scientific, or Sumerian Optics?

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I'm starting to save money for my new setup (it will take a while, but hopefully this autumn should do), and I'm probably going to buy a dobsonian telescope when I'll move in the UK.

I was aiming at 12", I could use a little more light :) but the most important feature would probably be portability, as I should also be able to take it with me on the subway. Not many 12" dobsonian are really that lightweight (Meade and SkyWatcher are bulky, though being truss), and so the two main models I've been looking right now are the Explore Scientific 12", and the equal size Sumerian Optics Alkaid.

Now, the main advantage of the ES is the price, I probably would be able to buy it very soon, but I've read many reviews telling that optics are ok, but mechanics are not, particularly the altitude movement.

On  the contrary, the Alkaid seems really what I'm looking for, weighting the half, and being even cabin-sized, it would mean I could even travel with it (back in Italy, or to the southern skies, which I've always dreamt of).

I'm not very sure, though: the price begins being a little bit too high for me (even though my girlfriend would probably help, she's interested in that too), and I didn't see too many reviews about it. I'm particularly interested in the mechanics, and in weight of single components (most companies have a weight limit, so I would probably be forced to travel with the primary mirror only in cabin with me).

So, I'm interested in hearing anyone's experience with any of the two above, or maybe about a different option I might not be aware of :)




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I'm quite interested in the 12" ES ultralight myself, and I too have heard how they've been built down to a price, but the way I look at it is if the optics are good the mechanicals can always be improved with a bit of DIY... If you enjoy that kind of thing! Which I do :) 

With it being a mass produced scope there should be lots of owners who've already made those improvements who you could ask for advice. Cloudy nights is probably a good place to start asking questions

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I do enjoy that kind of things.. that doesn't mean I'm good at them :icon_biggrin:

Plus I won't be having many tools after the relocation, just moving with the essential stuff...

Still, it's a very interesting scope, and I saw a video doing very small but effective fixes at it, so I know what you're talking about... it's still on the plate as a valuable option!

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Not sure if this would be of interest - no idea how good mechanically; mirror spec is impressive, and you did say light weight :) Would love to see a review:


This looks like a really nice scope - worth the extra over a fused quartz Alkaid?? There is a pic of it packed up in a carry case if you scroll down:



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They're both very nice scopes: the first is still in my budget, the second.. not so much.

I think the HO would be a really good alternative to the sumerian, and I particularly like that they offer a shroud (properly sized, I guess) for an extra 80 bucks.

The very high delivery cost might be a downside, but afterall with the exchange rate USD/Pound it's still cheaper than the Sumerian.

I would really like to see a proper review too anyway... doesn't it look a little bit too "thin" to you?

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Yes - I think that's the stuff that I'd love to read some reviews on the HO UP12: mechanical rigidity, balance, and smooth motions.  If these were good, it looks damn interesting! Agreed - an EU distributor would be great.

The Alkaid is a lovely looking design: there are several reviews online worth reading.

Several members here have its big brother the Canopus, and they sound like very fine scopes!


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  • 1 month later...

Hi again :)

Almost time for a choice, I think I will go for the Sumerian Optics, I really could use a lightweight and portable scope, particularly because I plan to travel a lot!

I am a bit unsure about the available models:

  • GSO optics F/4, available on sumerian optics website,
  • GSO optics F/5, available on both sumerian optics and Teleskop Service,
  • TS Optics F/5 "fused quartz mirror", available on teleskop Service only.

Now, the manufacturer really reccomends the F/4 model on his website, because it should be much more stable, and allows to use heavier eyepieces, but also warns about the greater coma.

Given that I will probably use eyepieces with aFOV not greater than 70 degrees (32, or at most 40mm), would this coma be acceptable?

Or should I move to the F/5 model? The quartz mirror looks impressive, at least on specs...

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