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White Light Sun - 13th May 2016


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The seeing was pretty ropey for this, but I gave it a go anyway. Rather than my normal iPhone, I put the DSLR on the Tak, with a Barlow to give just enough image scale for a full disk to pretty much fill the sensor.

I took quite a few different images at varying exposures. Focus was tricky because of the variable seeing. I think I ended up with around 20 images, manually choosing around 10. I pre processed them in PIPP, then into AutoStakkert2 and finally my usual guesswork in IMPPG. A little tweak in PS Express and I think it has come out ok.

Comments and criticism welcomed. Any guidance as to normal setting in IMPPG would be useful, I'm flying in the dark mostly.


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2 minutes ago, Paul73 said:

Very nice Stu. Are you heading over to the dark side??

Plenty going on there. I'll have to dig the scope out if Clear Outside's 0% cloud all day ever materialises.


Thanks very much Paul. I don't think so, I still struggle with the concept of laptops at the scope. I think I'll stick with simple stuff like this with a DSLR as that is very easy to pop in the diagonal and snap away. I've had a couple of goes with a GPCam which Dave kindly leant me, will try it again soon as it is very easy to use too.

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Nice spotty WL Stu, had a go yesterday but a bit too windy, never tried ImPPG on WL so can't help much, for HA I just sharpen to within an inch of it's life, very technical :grin:

Not looking to hopeful today, 100% cloud ATM despite forecast clear sky.


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Thanks chaps.

Further attempts with DSLR today, struggled with the seeing so they are a bit rubbish, but caught the new AR on its first day so quite happy.




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