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mount outside on a pier for an extended period


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I am interested in views on leaving a mount outside (on a pier) for an extended period of time (a few months) and keeping the weather out with a large watertight plastic cover.

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My NEQ6 was outside for nearly a year after i unexpectedly injured my back. it was in a breathable cover. i would not recommend using a plastic bag. Buy a proper cover for your expensive mount. there are lots out there depending on budget. in no particular order :-




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I've had a green witch one for a couple of  years and its done its job well enough. Just keep an eye on the inside lining, mines begun to perish and leaves very fine residue over the scopes and mount. just something to be aware of

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I've had my HEQ5 mount outside for 3 years now. To begin with, i covered my shed with a plastic film on the inside - this caused a huge amount of moisture to gather up, so i ended up removing it and leaving nothing but planks (and a waterproof top plate of course), which worked really well. Now it is very wet where i live, and i live in Norway so it's a different climate, but this worked for me at least.

However after these years, i have rust on my mount, but only on the weights, and nuts and bolts - so it looks bad, but shouldn't cause any damages.


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Not sure where it can be bought now, but you can get a waterproof woven paper material. Sprog Toggs use it for waterproof clothing. A sheet of that under your cover will ensure a dry mount. It is very flexible and breathable. 



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Heated Puppy Pads work really well. I have three of them on the electrical bits of the rig - with a Green Witch cover - and then a tarp from B&Q over that. It's been out there for 3 years - no problems.

I use a temperature regulated switch to turn the Puppy Pads on and off.

Like Per said - leave room for air to get in.



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