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Too good to be true?


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I've just spotted a laminated deluxe version of Will Tirion's Sky Atlas 2000 on EBay for just £50!


I very nearly pushed the BUY IT NOW button, then I spotted the sellers low feedback score (4) and the fact that the items they have for sale are all almost high value astro items and decided that discretion is the better part of valour.

I may have talked myself out of something I've been after for over 5 years!

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My feeling is what he is selling is not the sort of things normally offered by frauds. He also has a vintage refractor for sale, and provides a phone number for enquiries - 07786310482. Perhaps you could give him a call and trust to your intuition when you talk to him?

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Hi Michael,

An interesting question.....

Given that you now have a campervan, do you really need a laminate copy of anything?

The seller also has a collection of Sky and Telescope magazines covering 1971 to 2000 for £425 !!!

See        http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Large-Collection-of-Sky-Telescope-for-sale-/111953594260?hash=item1a10f44794:g:Z4EAAOSwll1Wyzij

Incidentally, S&T did 70 years of the magazine on DVDs for the 70 years to 2009 for $250. 

They currently do a full year on CD for $20.

Trust you are keeping well.




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On 4/4/2016 at 20:55, adavies660 said:

I have the A3 version but it's not laminated.... I just need an A3 laminator.

That is a good price though...:-) Not sure I could have been so controlled....:-) 

How much will it be to send one over ,I still have one not use in 10 years keep saying time for the bin.

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