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Observing Hercules.


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Looking out early this morning there was a lovely view of Mars, Antares , Scorpius and Saturn.Overhead lay Hercules, well worth exploring.
Not too rich for deep sky targets, but there are many binary stars here which provide lots of interest and colour,

Rasalgethi (α) gives a lovely orange and blue at x150 for this 4.8" split.
Sarin (δ) outside the glow of the +3.1 primary at 11.0" there's the blue companion at 11.0".
Kappa , a 27.4" split at x50 showing yellow orange and unrelated red (SAO 101951)
Gamma, a 43.0" split , a white giant with a delicate unrelated companion (SAO 102107)
Σ2063 ,a yellow and red at x50 .
42 Herculis , a triple orange and blue with a wide companion at x50.
Σ2085 ,a yellow and blue , most delicate at x216.
46 Herculis a delicate 5.3".(SAO 84577)
56 Herculis a yellow and red at x150.
ΟΣ318 a yellow and blue at x50 with a 2.9" split.(SAO 102488)
Σ2120 a yellow / orange and blue at x50 at 17h04.8m. +28 05'
Σ2142 a white blue at x120 with an opposing double in the fov.
Σ2178 ,a "mini Albireo" (SAO 66085) an orange and sapphire at 10.5".
Σ2224 companion +10 at 7.6", spotted at x150.
90 Herculis bright 1.5" split at x260.
95 Herculis near identical pair , brightly brilliant at 6.3".
ΟΣ341 a multiple group from A-G looking like a mini cluster.(see drawing).

The open cluster asterism "Webb's wreath" (SAO 85678) can be found at 18h02m. +26 18'. Another cluster 
DOD29 at18h08m. +31 32'.

Planetary nebulae.
NGC 6058 (+12)
IC 4593 (+10.7) , the "white pea")
NGC 6210 bright at +8.8.

Globular clusters.
M13 , the great cluster, really spectacular from darker skies. 145 light years across, some 300,000 stars , 25,100 light years away and 10 billion years old.
NGC 6229 (+9.4) a distant hundred thousand light years away .( see drawing)

The brightest being

NGC 6482 (+11.4)
NGC 6207 (+11.6) sixteen hundred times more distant than M13, which is adjacent. I happily caught this in a 10" Dob from dark skies.

For below +12,
NGC 6555,NGC 6674, NGC 6484,NGC 6501, NGC 6574, NGC 6173, NGC 6632,NGC 6661, NGC 6155, NGC 6269, NGC 6495,NGC 6278,NGC 6052,NGC 6106,NGC 6181, NGC 6239, NGC 6500,NGC6504, NGC 6166,NGC 6548,NGC 6487, IC4617 & NGC 6389.

clear skies !






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Nice post Nick - lots to look forward to when the Herc gets higher in the sky.

I'm glad NGC 6207 got a mention - it's so easy to overlook it because of it's celebrated "neighbour". It's fun to put M13 in the same FoV and see if your mind can comprehend the perspective :icon_biggrin:


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Normal high quality report from yourself, I saw a few of those the other night by looking out the window when I checked the wood burners, Mars being higher than I thought it would. I did see all of the 3 galaxies near to M13 last time I looked at this area, they do not exactly jump out at you even with an 18 inch scope.

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