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Jupiter 11th March 2016


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Its Odd how the Jet stream forcasts have been so wrong,  Pete R mentioned this too. . it showed no stream over the UK At all on the 11th

My end it looked like good seeing, but the trans was very poor.  And got so bad Jupiter was gone pretty soon.

That's a nice image John

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Thanks everyone for the kind comments. 

For me Peter the seeing didn't seem to be as good earlier in the session - the focus seemed to be drifting all over the place.  A pity as visually it would have made a more interesting picture.

As far as colour adjustment is concerned in Registax 6, do you just click the "automatic adjustment" to compensate for the blue being under-sampled, or do you add by manual input of values?  And do you have gamma on or off in Firecapture?

Clear skies,


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I had the gamma set to 20 in my image (I was trying to see what happens with different gamma settings).  As far as I can tell, with gamma off, you get a much less richness of colour, but then Autostakkert gives the individual video images a higher quality rating).

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