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Hello from Sofia, Bulgaria


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Hi all,

I'm a newbie Astronomer and this forum has helped me a lot in the process of getting started.
I have a Skywatcher Heritage 130p Dobsonian with the two stock 25mm and 10mm eyepieces and am using it mainly in th city.

The results so far are astonishing - I have been able to view the Pleiades, Orion Nebula, and several fainter star clusters (both beehives for instace).
The moon looks great and I can almost see it whole with the 10mm at 65x. Jupiiter is a just a small circle, but its largest moons are visible.

I'm also in the progress of browsing for new eyepieces, mainly for planetary observations.

Best regards :)

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Looks like you have bagged some great targets so far but the cosmos is a big place and I'm sure you will be discovering new objects very soon. Look forward to reading your observation reports as and when you post them up! :bino2:

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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On 3/9/2016 at 01:03, JamesM said:

Look forward to reading your observation reports as and when you post them up! :bino2:


Hi, I see no Observation Group section for my location. Are there any rules as to where I post my future observations (which won't happen any time soon as we're currently having awful weather)?

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Hi I just need to say that I received a skywatcher 127 as a Christmas present and since then I have looked with awe at the moon and orion nebula.  But my crowning glory the other night was seeing Jupiter through my scope.  It was amazing and felt like such an achievement!  The only weird thing was I could see Jupiter through my zoom eyepiece when it was at 8mm but my boyfriend could not see it all.  Even when I zoomed the eyepiece out so that it was 24mm he had difficulty seeing it.  Is this to do with exit pupil?


Anyway it will be mostly me using the scope but it would be nice if I could find a way to get my boyfriend to enjoy some of the sights too

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On 12 March 2016 at 12:59, cleverHexagon said:

Hi, I see no Observation Group section for my location. Are there any rules as to where I post my future observations ........?

Under the general observing section is a sub section for reports, you can find it here.

Good luck with your observing and catch you later on the forum. :icon_salut:

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