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Jellyfish Nebula - Work In Progress


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I thought I would share a quick process of my Halpha data of IC443, The Jellyfish Nebula. This is 22 x 1800s with WO Star71 and QSI 683. The intention is to create at least a bi-colour with OIII and hopefully a tri-colour with SII too, though weather conditions and the Moon seem to want to keep it to Ha only at the moment! So, I got fed up and had a quick go at processing the data I have so far. I made absolutely no effort to control the two bright stars, that is something that will definitely happen with the 'proper' process. I think it has some potential though.




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Really nice so far Gav - I like the way you've framed the two bright stars horizontally as well. There's a decent amount of SII data in the jellyfish, so if you can get some data here (and with the weaker OIII), you'll have a nice colour image. The H-alpha looks good & punchy at the moment though, lot's of potential here.


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You really are getting to grips with the Star71 Gav, definitely worth having a play whilst the full moon is up and you have a great mono image as it stands already.  I will certainly be looking forward to seeing the final outcome of this if the weather cooperates. Very nice work. 


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Already excellent. We did this recently with lots and lots of data and I don't think you're missing much. OIII is superb on this because it finds an outer shell around the Jellyfish. This is a really nice feature to pull in. No idea on SII.


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That's a very good 11 hours worth, and it shows in the depth you have achieved.  I especially like the structure above the left hand bright star.  I don't think I've ever seen so much detail.  

Why do some of your stars in the full size image have spikes?


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Thank you all for your encouragement. I need it as I don't really look forward to the task of taming those two stars, for each filter!

Sara, I'm thinking that, as IC443 slips further and further towards the western horizon and out of my grasp, I might be forced to employ the 'Wager Ha Colouring In' technique!! :grin:


9 hours ago, Daniel-K said:

 cracking start Gav. which HA filter did you use?

Thanks Daniel. I use the standard Baader 7nm Ha filter, though I dream of the Astrodons!


9 hours ago, cfpendock said:

That's a very good 11 hours worth, and it shows in the depth you have achieved.  I especially like the structure above the left hand bright star.  I don't think I've ever seen so much detail.  

Why do some of your stars in the full size image have spikes?


Thank you Chris. I don't know why some of the stars end up with little spikes when I'm using a refractor. It might be to do with the star reduction processes that I use - the Minimum filter in PS pulls the stars back in towards their centroid and perhaps it is that happening on four sides of a square that creates the spike effect?

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Hehe really pleased with your replies on this one, I'm in exactly the same boat..I've framed it just like you have and I have half the data I want.

S11 is really strong and I've been lucky to be able to capture several hours worth but it's a long task with our darn weather!

clear all night tonight but just too much moon to bother.


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Thank you Stephen, Chris & Ray.

Yes, frustrating to say the least, clear forecast for the next two nights, but a dirty great big bright full Moon! It's tempting to set up, but I know it would be futile. Perhaps a cheeky early hour or so tomorrow might be possible. Look forward to seeing your rendition Ray.

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