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Hello from north wales / Burnley - SkyWatcher Skyliner 250P FlexTube SynScan Dobsonian Telescope


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Hi all, My names Dave P. and ive just found this excellent site.

I've just literally in the last 5 minuets bought a SkyWatcher Skyliner 250P FlexTube SynScan Dobsonian Telescope with a

Celestron Ultima 8mm Duo Eyepiece. This primarily is a present for my daughters who after watching the john lewis advert want to see the man on the moon. As a loving and caring father I thought it only fair to adhere to their request.... Ok so I might have bought it for myself as well but proving to my daughters the moon isn't made out of cheese as their mother would have them believe comes as a bonus. I'm planning on using my Nikon DSLR to do a bit of astrophotography using registax 5 to post process my images. ( any additional help on this would be great)​

I would also be keen on knowing if any of you lovely people know of astronomy groups in either Burnley or north wales . as id imagine the enjoyment of stargazing is a activity best shared.

just as a foot note ive read a lot of negative reviews around the standard 10mm eyepiece provide with the scope. hence the purchase of the 8mm and I have also read a lot of negative reviews of the use of Barlows. but I intend on using both the 8mm stacked with a 2x Barlow for increased magnification. I suppose ill have to see the outcome of this but in short if anyone has any prior knowledge of my set up and furniture it would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers all​

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Hi Dave and welcome to SGL, that is a good aperture Dob you have just ordered, I am sure you will derive much pleasure from using it, especially when it comes to DSO observations.

Much has been written about Barlows, but it is generally accepted, that a good quality optic, will neither add to, or detract from, the FOV of the eyepiece it is to be used with. On the other hand, one well respected Author is quoted as describing poor quality Barlows, as better off being used as door stops, enjoy your scope and the forum :) 

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