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Is this dangerous


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Stupid question time:

I have a pair of solar glasses which came with the Sky at Night magazine for the eclipse earlier this year.

If you wore these and then looked through a pair of binoculars could you use them to view the sun in detail.

My guess is no as the binoculars would increase the strength of the suns rays as they are focused on the glasses.

Just thought I would ask.

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This may help you decide :Envy:



As others have said, filters go in front of the binoculars, not behind. Quite apart from damaging your eyes, your binoculars might be damaged, due to the heat load on the prisms and eyepieces. Many EPs contain cemented doublets, which can shatter

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The bino's would melt a hole in each of the metallised plastic filters, and then you would probably go dog-and-white-stick blind in both eyes. Damage to the binos could also occur, but I suppose they would be of no use to you by then anyway. Watching a large hydrogen bomb go off through bino's is never a good idea, even from 96 million miles. If you want to look at the sun "on the cheap", build a "pin-hole camera" out of a large cardboard box and some "grease-proof paper" - or like this http://www.space.com/15737-safely-sun-build-shoebox-pinhole-camera-video.html


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As others have said a massive no to that idea, I am not even sure I would fancy using them on the ends of binoculars either. Just to easy to knock off however fixed

You mention the strength of rays being increased due to the magnification which is correct. It amazes me that from time to time the old style plastic "solar filter"  that screws into the eyepiece from the 70/80's still turn up as well, such a badly design item.

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Usually if you feel the need to ask if something's dangerous then the answer is normally yes. My Astro Society was at a public event over the summer and I had my Hα scope up. One punter told me his brother thought it was ok to use eclipse shades to look through a telescope pointed at the sun. He was lucky to escape with his eyesight still intact but it was a close run thing.

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A few months back, it was brought to our attention here in SGL that a Chinese outfit had those dreadful screw-in "Sun Filter" blindness-lures up on Amazon both in the UK/Europa and the USA. And the great people of SGL went to work - FAST!

I think we all broke the land-speed record for that one! Within a very short period of time, we had those ads GONE from Amazon both in the US and the UK/Europa. Now that shows what we can do when push comes to shove.

One of the proudest moments in SGL-history, I'd say!

Congratulations all -


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A few months back, it was brought to our attention here in SGL that a Chinese outfit had those dreadful screw-in "Sun Filter" blindness-lures up on Amazon both in the UK/Europa and the USA. And the great people of SGL went to work - FAST!

I think we all broke the land-speed record for that one! Within a very short period of time, we had those ads GONE from Amazon both in the US and the UK/Europa. Now that shows what we can do when push comes to shove.

One of the proudest moments in SGL-history, I'd say!

Congratulations all -


Don't recall the Amazon one but there was an eBay one earlier this year. I did take a couple days but the seller did eventually remove it.

SGL rocks

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