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Black towel over head whilst observing


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Whilst out the other night, I though putting a black towel over my head whilst dark adapted to block out ambient light would improve matters.

In fact, doing this was the complete opposite!

I could hardly make out any detail in what I was looking at, everything kind of fades away, although fine without the towel and with the ambient background light from the light pollution / neighbour's windows etc.

Why is this? Does anyone else get on with covering their head whilst observing?

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I'm surprised by that to be honest, I've found on the few occasions I've done it whilst trying to see something faint it has worked well.

I hesitate to say this, and don't take offence. Did your eyepiece mist up whilst you were under there? I find that's the biggest problem and would certainly cause the view to fade [emoji12]

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Did your eyepiece mist up whilst you were under there? I find that's the biggest problem and would certainly cause the view to fade

This is what I suspect too, it has happened to me and sounds the most likely explanation. When using a head cover it's important to make sure your breath can get out, and not be directed to the eyepiece.

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My daughter made from renants a specific device using blackout cloth that works like a photographers hood. It has two elastic collars that fit around my frac or solar scope and Velcro fasteners to fit around my head and shoulders. It works at night or in the day during solar observing.

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Hmmm thanks for the replies. I'm not sure it's the eyepiece fogging up.

I cann only describe it as a kind of reverse averted vision if this makes sense, steadily getting more blurred after a few seconds under the towel.

Maybe my eyes just don't like it.

The hoodie idea is a good one, I'll try that.

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I suppose you would want something black, opaque and light (don't want to push the scope off its target). I tried the local haberdashery shop and explained that I want some "blindfold" material to cover my head with (like silk).  The poice officers that arrived were quite understanding.....

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