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The Sun - 22nd Aug 2015

David Smith

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Well the Sun put in an appearance yesterday but it was not an easy imaging. Cloud early on gave way to variable seeing followed by more cloud. I shot the white light full disk through cirrus cloud as at that point I was not sure I was going to get anything else. Eventually the clouds did clear but the seeing was highly variable over fairly short periods of time. Hence from the20+ ser's that I took at different wavelengths the following is what I managed to save.

First up the white light FD's

20810159515_392293c4dd_o.png20150822 by David Smith, on Flickr

20622192918_d9f650aa37_o.png20150822mono by David Smith, on Flickr

Then some Ca-K @ 1000mm FL. 2 Pane mosaic, stitched in MS ICE.

20810196695_e2bac829d0_o.png20150822_Cak_slice by David Smith, on Flickr

20622199480_ec5e91f49d_o.png20150822_Cak_slice_colour by David Smith, on Flickr

Some proms in both Ca-K and H alpha. Very difficult to get any detail in the Ca-K proms especially with the seeing changing constantly.

20783933116_4e7bb76028_o.png20150822_Prom2 by David Smith, on Flickr

20810200065_e96d5b1f52_o.jpg20150822_Prom1 by David Smith, on Flickr

And finally, AR12403 in 3 lights

20784517036_e1bc79ddfb_o.png20150822_AR12403_3lights by David Smith, on Flickr

Forecast was for clear skies again this morning but has not turned out that way :sad:

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