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Review of the Baader Morpheus Eyepieces


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Thanks for the kind words.  I didn't expect the review to become this comprehensive.  Reviews tend to take on their own life and I never really know how big or small they will be, just depends on how they eyepieces progress during tests, and how many I have to test.  So this one just grew and grew and when I saw that well I had to put some pretty pictures in with it :D   Then they were performing so unexpectedly wonderfully, that it just grew and grew. 

I used to have most of the Hyperion line, and that line is not even close to how well these Morpheus perform.  Was having some of those moments during my testing wondering if I should trade out my XWs because these were just so much more engaging.  I think what these eyepieces bring home to me as I think about it is that it is not about Japan or Germany or the like that makes an eyepiece a top notch performer, it is really about the attention to the design by the designer team.  As long as that is good, then what results can be quite spectacular.  So the Baader team that was involved with this design were obviously that IMO.  Hats off to them for a job well done.  And this is a good year for eyepieces!!

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Excellent review. I think that I might well look into the Morpheus 14mm at some point. The Type 4 Nagler "jump" from 17 to 12mm with is a bit abrupt, so a 14mm in between may well be just the ticket. BTW, I find that the Type 4 Naglers all have very generous eye relief, and I can view very comfortably with them. What is brilliant is that Baader have managed to preserve that to much shorter focal lengths than anything else on the market beyond 70-72 deg. BTW, is the 14mm Morpheus anywhere near parfocal with the XWs?

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  • 3 weeks later...

That's a very informative review, thanks for the time and effort to share your experience. Sounds like Baader are in there with the best of the rest with this new line. I got the 17mm Hyperion and ergonomically I love it, but over time I've learned to recognize the astigmatism it introduces. The Morpheus is a similar look though much cooler! 76 degrees will be more than sufficient and very close in appearance to 82mm EP's as you demonstrated. The choice of that AFOV must have overcome some design issues or in keeping the cost down.

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The choice of that AFOV must have overcome some design issues or in keeping the cost down.

That may very well have been a consideration.  However, I think they were also trying to achieve an AFOV that is also easy to "view at a glance".  So they were being careful not to make the view so large, that it now really requires scanning around, something you read about often with the 82 and 100 varieties.  So by keeping the AFOV within that glance-range allows it to retain a certain level of engagement, which is nice.  In my eyepiece journeys that is why I settled on the XWs vs the T6s or ES82s -- they had a naturalness about them when you used them and felt effortless whereas with the larger AFOVs there is a degree of effort involved in using them.  One of the surprises for me with the Morpheus was their ability to retain this character that the XWs have.  So while the technology for eyepieces allows larger AFOVs, and one day we will probably see 120 degrees and perhaps a little larger, we have to realize that these uber-large AFOVs really go beyond what is physiologically comfortable and natural, so while cool it also detracts IMO from the natural experience we are used to.  So I think they were also concerned about keeping the AFOV restrained as well to maintain a comfortable and natural experience.

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