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Quark Chromosphere testing, various anims & images.


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Well I finally got my adapters from FLO, thanks Martin, I can now use my 2" 0.5FR which seemed to work very well, illumination seemed to be better but more solar time needed to confirm this.

Anyway apart from grabbing a few mosaic's over the last week I was concentrating on AR's for some anim's , also a roundish prom got my attention,

The prom is round 70 frames, 500 per capture best 100 stacked, same process for AR2381 but 88 frames roughly. I wasn't as picky as normal & cloud was a pain with AR2381 so please forgive the final gif's.

AS!2, IMPPG Process, IMPPG Align, PS Solar Bright then Gimp.

Thanks for looking & I will add more images as I get them done rather than start new topics.



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Thank you everyone, I wish they had come out a little better though.

The flare was from the 6th & the prom was the 7th but I also have one from yesterday of AR2381 which I will start in a minute.

It's a little hit & miss with the action you may or may not catch but worth it every time.

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Thanks for the views, Ewan, loved the flaring, solar animations are fascinating! Congrats on the adapters.

Cheers Luke, I can vouch the 2" FR's do work fine btw.

Just upped a new flare anim from the 7th, much better this time though.

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