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Pleiades and the Moon Close Encounter

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Here is a composite image of the close encounter between the Crescent Moon and M45. A short exposure of the Moon 1/60th sec @ISO100 (captured 12/03/08 8:43) merged with a 15 second exposure to capture M45 (captured 12/03/08 8:44). Both images taken with a Canon 400D with a Tamron Di II 70-200mm lens F5.6 set to 200mm.

Composite image cropped


(click to enlarge)

Individual captures below


(click to enlarge)


(click to enlarge)



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Love the way that you can still see the Earthshine in that second one.

I've often wondered how do you manage to include both the images and without all the glare from the over exposed moon?


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Thanks for all your nice comments. I was really lucky to get a long enough gap in the clouds and I took various different exposure lengths to ensure that I had a choice of which pics I could use for the composite.

Hi Kevin

Thats a very nice composite pic.

Did you stack the 2 images in Photoshop to combine them?



No I extracted the star field from the over exposed moon shot then pasted the short exposure of the moon in exactly the same place into the star field.



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