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Tis Complete!?!? (Eyepiece Collection)


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Ok, so I bought my scope for less than £300 last summer in a post pub happy eBay transgression.

Since then, I have accidentally spent more than 3x that on various eyepieces before settling on this little lot! (there should be a picture below)

My collection is now complete....... However, if I were to feel the need.........



PS. I have an average Joe income so please avoid the words "Ethos" or "31mm Nagler" in your replies.post-32768-0-03963900-1413151245_thumb.j

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Thats an excellent set. As Dude says you have alll the bases covered :smiley:

Whats more your set will serve in practically any scope you may get in the future too.

Mind you, a 5.5mm might come in handy ........ joking !!! :p

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That's funny. I have 5 of those: the three longer maxvisions and the two Deloses.

You seem to be missing a widest-field-possible-in-two-inch eyepiece.

Good point. Was pondering the 30mm ES 82°. But decided that I could do without for the moment.....

The MV 16mm gives the most dynamic image out of any of them. However, if I didn't already have one, I would probably fill the gap with another Delos (but it would be based on ergonomics and FOV rather than pure image quality).


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I would "lose" the 28mm, and the 24mm and get the Nagler 31 or Explore Scientific 30mm.

At the low magnification end, it is nice to have a 'Finder" eyepiece. Either of the above yields 2 degrees TFOV in your scope Vs 1.5 with the Maxvision 28mm so that's onw whole full moon diameter of TFOV right there.

Also, the magnification of the eyepieces is 40, 45, 52, 63 respectively for Nagler 31, Maxvision 28, 24, 20 and a jump from 40x to 63x is very reasonable and does not leave a big gap in between...

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I would "lose" the 28mm, and the 24mm and get the Nagler 31 or Explore Scientific 30mm.

At the low magnification end, it is nice to have a 'Finder" eyepiece. Either of the above yields 2 degrees TFOV in your scope Vs 1.5 with the Maxvision 28mm so that's onw whole full moon diameter of TFOV right there.


Good point. That is a couple of votes for the ES 30mm.

I think that I would hang onto the MV 24mm for the occasions where a little extra contrast is needed. The 30mm is needs a dark sky to give maximum contrast (exit pupil). For my eyes, the 24mm gives the optimum contrast / brightness balance for catching the faintest of fuzzies.


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Well, in all honesty if I was going to fully recommend something, it would be the 31mm Nagler or 30mm ES and the 21mm Ethos or 20mm ES 100 degrees to vover exit pupil size and get the FOV to boot. 

My EPs run like this. 31mm 82 degrees / 21mm 100 degrees / 13mm 100 degrees / 8mm 100 degrees for a f4 12" dob + Paracorr...

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Well, in all honesty if I was going to fully recommend something, it would be the 31mm Nagler or 30mm ES and the 21mm Ethos or 20mm ES 100 degrees to vover exit pupil size and get the FOV to boot. 

My EPs run like this. 31mm 82 degrees / 21mm 100 degrees / 13mm 100 degrees / 8mm 100 degrees for a f4 12" dob + Paracorr...

I have the same but I don't use a Paracorr in my F/5.3. I find I use the 21mm more than the 31mm due to having some moderate light pollution so I was wondeing how much use Paul would get from a 30mm / 82 eyepiece if he has similar viewing conditions ?

82 degrees might also throw up the issue of the need for a coma corrector with his F/4.7 scope ?

All these possibilities are "nice to haves" given the current options Paul has I think. He is pretty well catered for already :smiley:

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I see what you two say but with a 28mm in the bag I would have thought adding a 30mm or 31mm would make that one lonely, if I were going to add anything it would be 34mm area which is next one in the Meade/Maxvision SWA line.

My next battle is which one of you wins me over F4 or F5.3, OO, just when I thought I had my mind made up.


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Those wide wide field eyepieces are pretty attractive, but if I had that sort of money, I'd be heading for a bigger Dob.

Re. the 34mm suggestion. I agree with John. The exit pupil would be a bit optimistic for my eyes. The 30mm ES 82° might well be heading onto my Christmas list along with a decent duel speed focuser.


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I have the same spec scope and use a 28/68° as my widest field EP I used to use a 30mm Vixen and have tried both ES 30/82° and the Nag 31 and prefer the extra contrast of the 28. I would also think that 28-24-20 seems a little close at first thought, but using a 24 as the widest 'every day' EP is a very good focal length without the need to change adapters for the 2". 

This seems like a well thought out set that is very similar to my own 28, 20, 14, 10, 7, 5, 3.5 all 68/70° aFOV. So I reckon you are covered for eyepieces.

How about nebulae filters or that focusser upgrade? That's where I would be looking next. RACI finder perhaps?

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Thanks Rik

Interesting to hear from someone who has tried the 28mm 68° against the competition in the same scope.

The MV's grew organically with no real thought. The magnifications are a tad too close together, But they all have their individual strengths.

Re. Filters - have got ES UHC, Lumicon OIII and a few other bits and pieces.


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Yes I agree a 7.23 EP is high but not unusable, it was more a case of me thinking on an empty head. I guess if the 30mm made an appearence the 28mm would sell quick enough. When I had the Meade full range it was my favourite, wish I still had them.


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I see what you two say but with a 28mm in the bag I would have thought adding a 30mm or 31mm would make that one lonely, if I were going to add anything it would be 34mm area which is next one in the Meade/Maxvision SWA line.

My next battle is which one of you wins me over F4 or F5.3, OO, just when I thought I had my mind made up.



Not meaning to hijack the thread but basically the f4 has a bit less weight and it is 30 mm shorter, but the f5.3 does not need a Paracorr and has a larger "sweet spot". Just pick your poison!

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Back to the thread.

Paul, if you observe from a light pollutted area, I would gravitate towards the Ethos 21mm or ES 20mm 100 degrees and keep the 28mm as a "finder" eyepiece. Apologies for tossing another variable in the equation!

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Interesting thread as I am always trying to complete my ep set for the 250px. I have the MV24 and think it's great. Would like another but think the 16mm may be a bit tight on eye relief and was thinking of something around 30mm. May be I'll get the 20mm for the sake of it.

Also been thinking about getting a 5mm SLV

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