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IC5068 in mono


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This is an often overlooked emission nebula due to it's close vicinity to the North American and Pelican nebula. I decided to have a go, what with the moon in the way, I had nothing to lose! What I do find intriguing about this one is the straight lines, almost ruler drawn - and all in the natural place that is space!

I welcome any comments on this image that you care to make :D


M: Avalon LInear Fast reverse

T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x

C: QSI690-wsg with 3nm Ha filter

16x1800s in Ha, totaling 8 hours of exposure time.


You can see a larger resolution image here http://swagastro.weebly.com/uploads/2/3/3/7/23377322/ic5068_ha.jpg

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One of the most curious pattern systems in the sky.

Nice dust detail without a hint of High Pass. Very nice.

Tiny tight stars.

I can't help wondering what the dust and gas detail would look like through LRGB  filters, but I'm not suggesting you do it !


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Thanks all for the continued comments. While the moon is around I've moved onto another target - Trying to get OIII and SII on this with a searchlight shining in the sky would be more than useless I fear.

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