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Reasons To Be Cheerful - The Return Of AstroDarkness


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I thought I would just share my excitement about the imminent arrival of an important event. This Sunday, 20th July, heralds the return of Astro Darkness... We will have a properly dark sky from 01:01 to 01:25. Now that is good news!!!

Let's all hope that the coming season is full of clear skies and we are all complaining that we are not getting enough sleep because of just too many hours at our scopes and the SGL servers are groaning with the weight of Astro images and observing reports being posted...

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"Down with twilight! Up with astronomical darkness!"

"Wilson, the astronomers are restless again! Send them clouds and more streetlights to crush their spirits."

Will be interesting to see how much difference it makes to my local sky, I've only had my tracking mount a few weeks so I've never used it in full darkness. It can only help, but judging by the colour of my subs light pollution is already the biggest cause of sky brightness.

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I thought I would just share my excitement about the imminent arrival of an important event. This Sunday, 20th July, heralds the return of Astro Darkness... We will have a properly dark sky from 01:01 to 01:25. Now that is good news!!!

Let's all hope that the coming season is full of clear skies and we are all complaining that we are not getting enough sleep because of just too many hours at our scopes and the SGL servers are groaning with the weight of Astro images and observing reports being posted...

A whole 24 minuits of darkness.

That will mean total cloud cover,

rain sleet & snow. :clouds2:

Got to look on the bright side :clouds1:


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A whole 24 minuits of darkness.

That will mean total cloud cover,

rain sleet & snow. :clouds2:

Got to look on the bright side :clouds1:


I see that you have been keeping and eye on the forecast.

It won't mean that Galaxies that were hiding yesterday will suddenly leap down the scope at you. It just means that the sun is >16° below the horizon which it must have been pretty close to for the last week or so.


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I`m not familiar with the term "Astronomical darkness". Does it mean the time the sun is 18 degrees below the horizon? like the opposite of astronomical twilight?


Yes. It goes in phases of 6°. First is Civil twilight, then Nautical twilight then Astro twilight and finally anything over 18° is Asto darkness! This is supposedly the point where it won't get any darker even if the sun is getting further below the horizon.


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