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Alternative Uses For Astronomy Equipment

Carbon Brush

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Maybe slightly more a 'lounge' rather than 'astro lounge' but here goes.

We all spend a lot of money on equipment primarily designed for use in the dark, pointing upwards. OK there are solar scopes. Binos can be at home in the day, but big models are bulky and heavy. A small scope can double as a spotter. But usually astro kit is second best once the sun is up (and usually behind cloud) when compared to daytime equipment.

Has anyone found any occasions when an astronomy item has really earned it's keep in a daylight and unusual application?

Here is one to get you started. I needed to put a new TV aerial on a 5M mast rising above the gable end of the house. The height was needed due to distance from transmitter and surrounding trees. As the job progressed, I thought about the issues of alignment. Pointing it like the neighbours was not an option for a variety of reasons. The old method of using a compass from down the street was impossible. The calls from downstairs of 'better or worse picture' were also impractical.

After checking maps I established that there were no good horizon objects in the required direction. Also the aerial would be well out of my reach. There was though a good landmark 45 degrees off the path.

While the mast was still on the floor, I marked a reference line along the length, then another line at 45 degrees. The aerial was assembled to the mast top, aligned to the reference. After loosely securing the assembly to the house, I fastened a 9x50 raci finder onto the 45 deg line at a convenient height. The small size of the finder, coupled with cross hairs and 90deg viewing was ideal.

Lining up the horizon object in the cross hairs, then tightening the mast screws gave me an excellent alignment.

Perfect TV picture first time in an area of poor reception.

Anyone else found out of the ordinary uses for astronomy kit?

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My TV85 makes an excellent spotter scope. I occasionally go in for a bit of digi scoping, normally with the parakeets which are daily visitors near me. This one was in a tree about 50 metres away.

Standard pic with the iPhone....


IPhone pic through the scope.


Perhaps not too unusual but definitely not astronomy :-)


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Telescopes make fantastic dehumidifiers, just leave them outside at night and they are guaranteed to gather all the moisture from the surrounding area and collect it on the mirrors ;)

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