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Total Newbie from Manchester ;-)


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Hi Lammy, welcome to SGL.

+1 for Opticstar, you'll get some good advice there.

If you want to pick some brains it's worth going along to your local society. You'd be welcome at Salford www.salfordastro.org.uk any Wednesday evening or Thursdays when we start back in October at Heaton Park www.hpag.co.uk. Can't speak for the others, but also Manchester www.manastro.co.uk, West Didsbury www.wdas2.com and Bolton www.boltonastro.org.uk

There's a guy selling a Skywatcher 10" Dob for £200 on HPAG's FB page. Great for visual deep sky, a bit limited for AP apart from the moon and planets.


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Greetings from Tiree and welcome. Hope that you find as much pleasure and enjoyment out of this wonderful site as I do.  You have already prompted a good response with some helpful advice.  Take your time and spend the next two or three weeks reading material on this site, then you will be ready to make a choice.

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Wow quite overwhelming this response thanks a lot will take all your advice on board. Sorry for the late reply had a friend of mine come round last night with his telescope nothing too fancy but managed to get Saturn crisp and clear for a good amount of time and also we got to see a small Meteorite burn up in the atmosphere without the scope before the cloud moved in so all in all I loved it also tried to get a photo of Saturn with a webcam on my laptop but not too much to get exited about we managed to only get a couple of frames due to our shakes! Can't wait to get my own now!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Hi Lammy and welcome to SGL, it is worthwhile letting a lot of water flow under the bridge, while you cover as many aspects of which scope will suitable for what you want to observe, whatever your choice enjoy :)

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Thank you all again! Just thought i would give you a quick update, i have gone ahead and purchased a scope! I managed to get myself a brand new Skywatcher Skyliner 150P Dob for a bargain price of £179.10 delivered lol. I'm chuffed to bits it should be here on Tuesday so fingers crossed for a couple of hours of clear sky's on the night. Would again like to thank you all for your help and greetings especially Schorhr. Anyway that's enough of me blabbing on :grin:

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