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I trod on another slug :(


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And found a snail trying to bum a lift on my battery pack...

I hate gastropods...  :mad:

But anyway, mediocre results last night on M57. Quite hazy but steady. Camera was running at 30 degrees  :embarrassed: Still, only a few days and the nights start getting longer.


10" F4.8 GX250 Newt
Modified 1100D
200% cropped enlargement
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Great result. The nights are reasonable at the moment and set fair for a bit, in the south anyway. My camera was registering 24° last night. Cooling required!

As for slugs... I stepped on one in bare feet in my kitchen first thing in the morning when I went down to make breakfast once a few years ago and have detested the little slimy things ever since! We still have quite regular visitors in the kitchen at night, one day I'll find their entrance point and block it off...

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I hate slugs...especially if you've ever stood on them in bare foot or in socks. Bleurghhh

Thanks to one of the children doing just that, in our house going barefoot (particularly outdoors) is now called "wearing slug-squashing shoes" :)


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Strangely I'm fascinated by snails. I've been known to rescue them from flower beds where I know the MD has put pellets down :)

Slugs are ugly but I consider them as homeless snails and treat them with respect!

Nice image of M57 BTW :)

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Great image!

As a wildlife lover & photographer, I have tried to embrace all forms of life & love them all.........slugs give me the wiilies!!!!!!!!! They turn my stomach & are the only thing that can turn me into a big screaming girl. I have shivers running down my spine even while writing this post.

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I get earache off the missus should I accidentally tread one into the house - as happened recently :)  A year ago I had a pair of Thrushes in the garden who between them cleared all the snails, at the back was a convenient stone they used to bash the snails against to break their shells before gobbling the delectable contents. A pile of empty snail shells surrounded the stone. Sadly the Thrushes are no longer with us so I'm reduced to tossing them over the fence as I find them...


PS. Nice Ring Neb Dave :)

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Sadly the Thrushes are no longer with us so I'm reduced to tossing them over the fence as I find them...


PS. Nice Ring Neb Dave :)

Wow, it's good job the neighbours like them then ! :D

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I get earache off the missus should I accidentally tread one into the house - as happened recently :)  A year ago I had a pair of Thrushes in the garden who between them cleared all the snails, at the back was a convenient stone they used to bash the snails against to break their shells before gobbling the delectable contents. A pile of empty snail shells surrounded the stone. Sadly the Thrushes are no longer with us so I'm reduced to tossing them over the fence as I find them...


PS. Nice Ring Neb Dave :)

You will need a strong throwing arm. Or else, invent a slugapult...


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Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall tried eating slugs, but apparently even he thought they were horrible.  I've considered capturing the snails and purging them to eat on a few occasions though.


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We have lots of snails in June and we purge them by washing them by rubbing them against each other and then putting them in a bucket of hard breadcrumbs (grated old bread) for 3-4 days.

Served in different varieties of pasta.Some days I pick 40-60 in just an hour. The slugs are a pain though.

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I've never heard of them being purged with breadcrumbs.  That's an interesting idea.

Right now I could do with a solution for jackdaws and crows.  They're raiding our chicken feeders like mad.  Mostly they're too far away from my office window to shoot, too.  I can hit them with the air rifle at about 50 yards, but unless I get a lucky shot it does little more than annoy them.  I know legally there's no issue with shooting them as they're considered pests anyhow (and they certainly are when they turn up several dozen at a time), but whilst I don't like shooting animals I'm not keen to eat birds that feed on carrion :(  There surely must be some beneficial purpose to which they can be put.


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Great pic, lovely colours.

There were a load of slugs in my spud bed yesterday, but then I found a toad, hopefully he will sort them out for me.

Aha yes, slugs and slime. There is a Toad the size of Belgium that gets into my shed in the summer evenings. He takes care of most looking at the size of his belly. I must get a photo but he can ooze puddles of slime himself. More worrying is, there must also be a hole the size of Belgium in my shed somewhere.
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Despite seeing zero stars through my scope last night due to impeccably timed cloud.

I did discover some welcome, but very noisy, visitors in my garden. Two large healthy looking hedgehogs / slug hoovers hard at work. :)

My cat didn't look too pleased but really wasn't sure what to do about them.


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