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Hello from Pontefract! (Skymax 127 MAK)


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I have recently returned to Astronomy after a break of 35 years and have joined the SGL to explore the forums for advice, guidance, ideas and reviews of equipment . I hope to also share my experiences and contribute to the SGL.

I had the pleasure of rekindling my love of the stars thanks to a work colleague. I am a Pure Mathematician who was looking for a new challenge and that came from a Physicist friend whist looking up at the sky in the south of France over a G&T. My partner was fascinated and upon returning to the UK we ended up purchasing second-hand Skywatcher Skymax 127 GOTO scope from Gumtree.

The scope gets used in the back garden but mainly it accompanies us on our travels in our camper van.

Our gaols are as follows......

  1. Learn the names and locations of stars and constellations by star hopping with the naked eye
  2. Learn how to use the scope in an effective and efficient manner
  3. Use the scope to view the night sky 
  4. Join the local Astronomy Society
  5. Build up our knowledge base on general astronomy
  6. Have fun, meet and socialise with others who share a love of looking at the night sky (not forgetting the day for the solar).

I would also like to, when I have more experience......

  1. Develop my photography into Astro-photography DSLR & webcam
  2. Explore Astronomy by linking the scope with a computer, Arduino and Raspberry Pi

The voyage of discovery has begun!

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Hello and welcome fellow new member,

I just joined up the other day but as a novice to the equipment side of things. I'm hoping to achieve many of the goals you are aiming for. This forum definitely seems the place for aiding in those goals.

Good luck with your comeback to astronomy!

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Hi and welcome to SGL - Quite a comprehensive list of goals there, but I'm sure that you'll crack them. As an imager I went straight for the jugular to the fun that is astrophotography and bypassed everything else! Good luck with it all, if you have any questions then just ask :grin:

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Hi Gordhandas and welcome to SGL. Your aim to visually Star hop could be well supported if you obtained a copy of Robert Garfinkle`s "Star-Hopping" a mine of information on the stars in the Constellations, both factual and the associated historical myths and legends, enjoy your Astronomy and the forum :)  

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