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Large prom animation 1st June


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I was hoping for a lift off but it was stuck tight for the hour and half I watched it. 95 frames taken between 08:43 and 09:57 UTC, bit shaky sorry, but there is some interactions going on if you stare long enough.

Solarscope SF-100 / Grasshopper 3 ROI (so a bit small).

14321478615_20779159c2_o.gif2014-06-01-Prom-animation by Alexandra's Astronomy, on Flickr


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Thanks everyone :) I hope to see a few of you at the IAS on Saturday? 12 noon by the cafe entrance?

Dazza, it's very boring really (don't do it often). Every 30 seconds to a minute take a quick avi of 800 frames. I usually keep a spot of dirt on the screen and a solar feature moderately in the same place for each capture, this makes aligning so much easier in the end. So you sit there for ages watching grass grow or proms not doing anything. After your husband has fed you tea and scones and you are just about bored to death, or clouds appear (which is the normal problem) you stop. You then in my case have 100 or so avis to process. Autotakkert 2 is great to batch process (as they are all the same you keep the same workflow). However it is rubbish at processing limb details. So I had the pleasure yesterday of learning how to batch process in Registax 6, the first time it analysed and never saved anything, the second time it managed it but it is not very user friendly and not at all flexible, I had to use everything default and couldn't stack the best 10% it only gives you a choice of 50 frames or 100 and I wanted 80, so I had to pick 50.

Once all were processed, I then did a practice workflow in Photoshop to sharpen and brighten etc and saved as a macro, then spent about an hour going through each one and applying the process and saving.

Then take all the frames back to Registax 5 and load them all up, find a nice single area to align on and click align, then resave all the frames (as individuals). I then run it through 2-3 times again to get it really smooth although this one is a bit jumpy still I don't know why.

Then it is back to Photoshop again and load all the images into one stack, reverse the order (as it always loads backwards) then go to the animation window and load all layers into frames. Then basically create your animation, I used save as web and devices and saved a Gif so it continually plays when placed on forums.

Everyone has their own ways of doing it, some have movie makers and make wonderful youtube productions, I'm not that clever.

I hope this makes a little a sense.


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