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Saturn 18/19th April


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Here's my first go at Saturn tonight.  I'm quite pleased as I've never managed to get any planet colour before - although its still rather subtle!  Saturn is low, so I'm having to use higher gain and gamma than I would ideally like to keep the exposure times in check and this is causing high noise levels.  Maybe as it gets higher I can turn things down a bit

DBK21 colour camera on a C11 @ about f30



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excellent image scale and definitely captured some colour!!! Saturn is pretty tough at the moment. i captured it last night at around F10 so the image scale is smaller but hopefully i might have a slightly sharper image though probably not   :confused:

it just seems because Saturn is quite dim everything has to be set to high, resulting in a noisy image unforntunately.

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Thanks  :smiley:   Yes, I think smaller would have been sharper, so less barlow next time :wink;  And I probably need to get better collimation (although I fear fiddling in case I make what seems not too bad worse!)

Was fun last night though  :grin:


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 A bit more playing and a reduction in scale


I think I'll start from scratch again tomorrow with As2 and see whether there is anything else I can get out of the data.  And I'll do some at lower mag next time out


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