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Totally lost on the kids

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My 5yr old son wanted to play outside after tea tonight so I took the opportunity to get the bins out to look at the moon from our front garden.

"Son, do you want to look at the moon through my binoculars?"

"Why? I can see it from here with just my eyes!" He then got on his bike.

At least the neighbour's kid was impressed...

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My 5yr old son wanted to play outside after tea tonight so I took the opportunity to get the bins out to look at the moon from our front garden.

"Son, do you want to look at the moon through my binoculars?"

"Why? I can see it from here with just my eyes!" He then got on his bike.

"You can't see the little green men, though."


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I fear that a whole generation has been brought up on high octane entertainment. Something as passive as stargazing just don't catch their eye.

My own son is now 23 and has never taken any interest in my telescopes or stargazing or anything other than gaming (oh and downloading "Debbie Does Dallas" and selling copies at school (that was an interesting chat about his entrepreneurial talents with the head teacher! ( and saved me having to bother with birds and bees talks))).

"Son, come and see this aurora!!!", "why?" was his reply.....

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Ahh. The ruthless, but incomplete, logic of a 5 year old!

Mine looked over my sholder at an SGL thread about a member who was considering building an observatory high in a tree. The prevailing wisdom of the SGL members ranged from "this gentleman is obviously mad" to "this gentleman is obviously a genius, but definitely barking". I outlined the situation to my son (also 5) who looked at me as if I was mad, and explained very patiently to me that by being higher up, the gentleman would be closer to the stars and therefore be able to see them better! What was there to discuss? And, please could he have one?


PS. I'll be rooting for the treetop obsy chap when he gets building.

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I fear that a whole generation has been brought up on high octane entertainment. Something as passive as stargazing just don't catch their eye.

My own son is now 23 and has never taken any interest in my telescopes or stargazing or anything other than gaming (oh and downloading "Debbie Does Dallas" and selling copies at school (that was an interesting chat about his entrepreneurial talents with the head teacher! ( and saved me having to bother with birds and bees talks))).

"Son, come and see this aurora!!!", "why?" was his reply.....

Well I'm 23... I love me scope and learning the art of manual photography, and I hate video games! I guess I'm just not 23 at heart... :D

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Good one!..

Several years ago one evening  I was setting up my telescope along the lakeshore with my granddaughter (about the same age).  An older lady drove up and took her little dog for a walk.  I overheard my granddaughter pointing out the north star, the big dipper and the little dipper to the lady.  I was really proud of her!


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You've nothing to fear, I'm turning 23 in a month :D.


But, I still do enjoy gaming, but only really when it's cloudy ;).

Nothing wrong with gaming, I much prefer some virtual racing or working through a good story than watching 39 minutes of tv, 18 mins of adverts and 3mins of "coming up" "still to come" "lets show you what you decided to watch before you watch it just in case you can't concentrate for long enough" :)

Not bashing tv, just saying that those who watch tv generally bash gaming without justification, imo :)

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But, I still do enjoy gaming, but only really when it's cloudy ;).

More than double your age, Jonathan but still happily gaming on cloudy nights :).

My 5 yr old Nephew isn't that interested either. Showed him the moon and that was ok for about 6 seconds then he was bored. Might try and engage his interest again when he's a bit older. On the other hand, I couldn't keep his Gran off the telescope - she was really into the moon, and was very excited to see a few double stars as well, commenting on the different sizes and colours with obvious enjoyment.

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