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first scope


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hi everyone.

After a few weeks of talking myself silly into which scope i wanted to be my first I decided to get the celestron nexstar 130slt , i read several reviews and as a newcomer this had great reviews and didn't have to break the bank so it ticked all my boxes. but to the point I have read up that the EP's i got with it are far from great as to be expected, i have been looking at new ones and the ones im looking at are the celestron XCEL XL at around £65 each, is this a good choice? the shop i bought the scope from also stated i should look at some filters but i didnt buy any as i just wanted to get going without the MRS signing my death warrant for all the extra's i need :-) any input on what i shoud get as extra's would be of great help and even any tips on the scope also would be helpful.


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Usually the supplied eyepieces are not that good.

Your scope is f/5, so I would suggest avoiding plossl's, the shorter ones will have very little eye relief.

The X-Cel's are good and have a nice selection of focal lengths at the lower end: 5mm, 7mm, 9mm 12mm.

The others these days are the BST Starguiders (£49) but they do not quite have the same selection at the lower end: 5mm, 8mm, 12mm.

The 5mm should be fine from either set, which leaves the question of the slightly longer ones.

Ultimately you will want/need at least 3, personally I suspect 4 is more realistic. I also suggest the same set as they tend to be parfocal - less refocusing when changing eyepieces.

The supplied 25mm may be OK. The usual barlow is also generally poor, so I will forget that.

if 3 eyepieces the 5mm 7mm and 25mm (X-Cel) or 5mm 8mm 25mm (BST).

If 4 eyepieces then the same with a 15mm or 18mm as well.

Be aware that being a reflector you will need a collimator at some time.

Gets expensive after the scope is bought doesn't it. :grin: :grin: :grin:

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Cheers ronin. I can see the £ signs going up already lol but I'll gladly pay if worth having. Would you say there would be much difference in the image from the xcel and the bst? Ive been looking at collinmaters also and at around £30 I cant complain. Ive also been looking at barlow lenses but are you saying I will not need one if I get these EP's?

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Hi Gary and welcome to the forum. I personally wouldn't bother with filters at the moment, though a variable polarizing filter when looking at the moon could be helpful when it is showing a brighter phase. I would also recommend "Turn Left at Orion" which is a book which lists some 100 targets for modest apertures to find. Although you have Goto to locate the objects and so won't need of the book's instructions on how to find the listed objects, the book however does provide some great information on the objects themselves along with other advice and tips on observing. I agree with ronin above that you first additional purchase should be a collimator.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here,


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Hi Gary and welcome to SGL - What I know about looking through a telescope could be written on a very small pin head!! But it looks like you're in safe hands already and getting good advice :grin:

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Thanks everyone. I have actually bought the "turn left at orion" book for my kindle so I will have a look through when I finish my current book ;-). Sods law I haven't seen a clear sky since I got it but fingers crossed this manchester weather clears up soon.

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Hi Gary welcome to the lounge,

for the time being just use the eyepieces that came with the 

scope and get used to your kit, once you have got used to it

you will know what you need next, take your time and enjoy

your new kit.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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