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Wearing Glasses

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Probably a stupid question but I wear glasses and have stigmatism. I generally take my glasses off when looking through the EP but seen a couple of comments referring to wearing you glasses. What's the difference? 

Thanks in advance


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Personal preference I guess. I wear glasses when looking through the finder scope but find that I don't need them when looking through the main eyepiece. Not sure why, but it seems to work.

Wearing glasses would really limit the eyepiece options. However, I guess that you get used to these things. I had first light with a huge new eyepiece the other evening and spent most of the session giving myself concussion on the @&£@@ng thing because I wasn't used to it.


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Probably a stupid question but I wear glasses and have stigmatism. I generally take my glasses off when looking through the EP but seen a couple of comments referring to wearing you glasses. What's the difference? 

Thanks in advance


My eyes are the same as yours and like you I generally take my glasses off.

Just find it easier to locate myself at the eyepiece better.

Personal preference really, some will remove some won't.

Will depend on the degree of astigmatism.

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I don't wear glasses, but to give an educated guess.... The telescope focus will have the same effect as your glasses, so you should be able to get good focus. Your problem may arise from the astigmatism as i believe thats a shape of the eye thing, so any disturbance caused to your sight by that will still be there without your glasses. Although if you feel comfortable without then all for the good.

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I should wear mine due to severe astigmatism in my right eye but I just can't get the hang of wearing them at the eyepiece. My left eye is not so bad but using it feels so uncomfortable (I am right handed). I have just upgraded my specs and whilst my daytime vision has dramatically improved , I am having issues with the prescription change (I am experiencing some dizziness and nausea). Not having specs on does have it's downside. I once observed the 2 Jupiters and their eight moons through my old 150mm Newt RFT.

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Myopic glass wearer here and like Nick don't wear glasses while viewing. Find it weird, not to say very annoying to have glasses pressed up to the eyepiece's cup or cunningly hovering over some ortho :grin:

a 6mm ortho and glasses,  can you even see anything more than 10 degrees of the  FOV, you may just spot the GRS and a bit :D.  I am getting to take them off more again lately, depends on the mood and what I am looking at  :smiley:

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I take mine off to look through an eye piece. Otherwise leave them on.

I got some things off ebay so i can let them dangle around my neck when i take them off; i only use those for astronomy else they make me feel really old!

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a 6mm ortho and glasses,  can you even see anything more than 10 degrees of the  FOV, you may just spot the GRS and a bit  :D.

:grin: That's very funny. Was out tonight with the 5mm, something like 0.16º TFOV. I really like that concentrated, eye-ball to glass, scant eye-relief experience; does something for the spirit, makes a man of you :laugh:

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I wear my glasses when observing for no other reason than at my age I can't see B all without them. I was also told by my optictian I would not obtain true focus in the EP without them because of my astigmatism, which is quite bad.

Tried seeing without glasses, and to be honest I couldn't obtain a good focus even with a 50mm extension. But I suppose were all made different and that is what makes us human.


Sent from my Hudl HT7S3 using Tapatalk

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I also have bad eyesight, but for finding objects and general viewing tend to leave them on as it's a pain to keep putting them on / off everytime you move away from the EP.

However I do at times take them off just as you can then get your eye right on the EP and hopefully see a bit more detail.

Yes you do have to refocus when not wearing the specs, but remember to wear them if using something like a DSLR or all you images will be out of focus.

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I wear varifocals and find it hard/impossible to use the Telrad as they produce a double image especially as you go towards the zenith.  

At the eyepiece I started out wearing them but now invariably take them off as I now use eyepieces with twist up eyeguards and find it preferable to trying to put my eye/glasses in the correct position with the guards down.

Interesting what Mike says above about using the left eye, I have tried this and it feels really weird, BTW I'm also right handed.

Guess we all experiment and do what's best for us.

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I have strong astigmatism in both eyes and have to keep my specs on for observing, particularly at lower powers.  The distortion of the image is quite noticeable if I don't.  You can't just refocus to make things right as you can if you are long or short sighted. 

Generally, I use eyepieces with a field of around 70 degrees and good eye relief and find it no problem.

It is a pain if I forget to take something out with me to the observatory though, as they steam up immediately I come indoors! 

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:grin: That's very funny. Was out tonight with the 5mm, something like 0.16º TFOV. I really like that concentrated, eye-ball to glass, scant eye-relief experience; does something for the spirit, makes a man of you :laugh:

That whole thing of turning into a man is a work in progress for with the temptation to make that ortho plunge, it has been on my mind on and off.  The sensible part of me says don't, and try before you buy, there again, don't be too surprised if I post it one day I bought an astro hutech 6mm so I can call myself a man.  Something doesn't feel right not having one of those in my case :grin:

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Interesting what Mike says above about using the left eye, I have tried this and it feels really weird, BTW I'm also right handed.

I should use my left as it is better corrected without specs and is also a lot more sensitive to light. However, it is very uncomfortable and I'm too lazy to persevere.

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Hi all, I'm the archetypal " mr magoo" and would struggle doing pretty much anything without my glasses, that said I never wear them for observing. I find the focusing range of the scope is plenty to cater for my eyesight ( annoys the wife though if she wants a look with her HD vision ) The only time I use my glasses is when I'm trying to get aligned and I'm using my finderscope or if my camera is out.

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After an eye operation 18 months ago to remove a floater from my observing eye, I have gone from being a non wearer of glasses to one who needs them all the time. This does impact on my ability to use my scope. I have to keep them on so I can read my hand controller then take them off to look through my eyepiece. I am still not fully used to the constant tooing and froing of having to take my glasses on and off. It is just practice.

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I also have astigmatism but make do without specs for observing. I find the higher the magnification the better and have always believed rightly or wrongly that this is due to the smaller exit pupil ie less of the cornea area is being used.

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