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Sky at Night vs Astronomy Now

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As a newcomer to Astronomy I thought I'd subscribe to one of the UK magazines... but which one? I purchased recent issues of both The Sky at Night and Astronomy Now for comaprison, and my initial impressions are:

  • [li]The Sky at Night seems a little "lightweight" in places whereas Astronomy Now seems geared more toward the enthusiast.[/li]
    [li]The Sky at Night is more expensive and the included CD is of questionable value... freeware (and SGL advice) is readily available online.[/li]

While I'm a big fan of Sir Patrick Moore I'm leaning towards Astronomy Now as being more educational and consequently more useful, but these initial impressions are based on reviewing a couple of issues and I wondered what you guys thought? Do you subscribe to any particular magazine, and if so, why?

Also, living in the UK should I stick with a UK magazine for the local coverage, or should I consider respected US publications such as Sky & Telescope?

As always thanks for the advice folks.


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I can't see much advantage in buying an overseas magazine as the equipment is either not available here in ol' blighty or the prices don't equate and we have the same stars that they have at the end of the day. Anything out of the ordinary in terms of information can be obtained from the Internet. As for the UK magazines, I subscribe to both AN and S at N and they compliment each other quite well. AN is aimed at a slightly more mature (in terms of experience) amateur but there are generally good articles in each and poor articles in each too, just as you would expect from any publication.

The CD that comes with the S at N magazine is entertaining enough but the free software is available on the Internet but it is nice to have a collection of the TV Sky at Night programs featuring Patrick Moore.

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I think Sky and Telescope is one of the best - a good balanced range of articles and even though it's "foreign" the equipment stuff is still quite relevant. Next I would put Astronomy Now and Sky at Night, they are both quite good and S & N has some great articles for observing etc. Astronomy Now has a few more science type articles for more in depth understanding - the equipment reviews and articles are quite good. Your best option IMHO is buy or borrow a copy of each and see which one you like the best. I buy all three plus Astronomy and New Scientist (but then I spend a lot of time on a train).



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I took AN for about 3 years, but the glossy ads showing all those lovely expensive scopes just made me depressed, I tried skipping through those pages but somehow you're just drawn to them. I tried the S@N but objected to paying for a CD which I did not find at all useful. Overall I just prefered the articles and layout of AN. I may go back to buying magazines and if I do it would be AN!


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I have purchased AN, S@N and S&T in the past, but now don't buy regularly. S&T has the most "technical" articals and S@N is aimed more at the beginner. Go to the local library and see if you can read them for free :D (I am Scottish you know, and don't like parting with money).


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I find S@N a bit pricey and has been stated the free software can be dowloaded online anyway, you can also watch the TV program online at the BBC website. Or here generaly.


Sky and telescope is excellent even if it is from USA also Astronomy now makes a good partner mag for S@T.

You can also subscribe to a free Bi monthly mag which admitedly is aimed at imagers. but it is a high quality publication and can be downloaded in PDF format.



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I think for new product reviews Sky and Telescope can't be beat and they do cover a lot of the technical aspects of astronomy better than the UK mags. :D

If imaging is to be your thing why not have a look at Practical Astronomer it has some great articles and some very usefull tutorials. :D

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I take both S@N an AN, and see both magazines complimenting each other, as opposed to competing.

Each mag is subtly different to the other, and hence my saying complimenting each other.

I subscribe to S@N as there is a significant financial advantage in doing so. Personally, the I've never found anything of use on the accompanying CD, and would prefer a cheaper mag and no CD.

I buy AN from my local newsagent each month, as the financial advantage offered by AN to their subscribers is a mean pittance, and I'd sooner let my local newsagent earn a few pence from it.

If I only bought one of the mags, then I would choose AN over S@N, as I think it has a definite edge, and concentrates its advertising purely on that relative to the hobby. Whereas S@N, being a BBC publication, carries adverts for 'Gardeners World', 'Who do you think you are' etc etc.

Sky & Telescope, I buy occasionally, if I happen to be in W H Smiths. A good mag, with a high technical content, but obviously heavily biased towards astronomy in the US.


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I go to one of the major supermarkets each month, skip quickly through both magazines and either buy the one that most interests me that particular month, or leave them! I find that way you don't waste money on regular subscriptions for issues which sometimes don't contain much more that loads of glossy ads for the latest equipement. (and yes, the CD that comes with S&N mag is a bit naff sometimes). I wish they would put in (as regular items) some useful little programs showing "how to do" topics on telescopes, binoculars, imaging processing tips, etc.



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Thanks for the input folks. I think I'll take both mags for a couple of months and then decide. Probably end up subscribing to one and using Philsail1's suggestion for the others.

Cheers, Col.

I go to one of the major supermarkets each month, skip quickly through both magazines and either buy the one that most interests me that particular month, or leave them!


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I usually end up browsing the shelves of WH Smith et al.. Sky and telescope is a good one, also Astronomy..But Practical Astronomer looks like the best technical one for me ..

I prefer the in depth monthly observing targets to glossy adverts of up 'n' coming astro kit as I already have a heads up in that department..But S@N is very well written and presented with some very good imaging advice from Pete Lawrence etc..

Therefore I usually end up with all of them... :shock:

Sorry..that doesn't help you whatsoever does it.. :D


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i`d go Astronomy Now,everytime i read the mag it always makes me feel like getting the telescope out, i read moreless the whole mag, whereas for me with s@N i just flick through the mag and just bother with the cd and that`s bout it.

personal choice but i`d got Astronomy Now :D

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Have you considered Practical Astronomer, only available by subscription but written by astronomers for astronomers.

Whoa! What has this site got running on it? It just reset my desktop colour scheme and my browser when I entered it! I'm on Vista Home premium. Its also got one of those pathetic 'enter this site' buttons. Why do website owners do this? It makes the site look tacky, unprofessional and discourages further viewing.

Sorry, but I'm very wary of any site doing weird stuff like this. What else is the code behind the page doing that we can't see?

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to be honest i did purchase the AN wen i first started astronomy in 1986, oddly enough wen the mag first came out i tihnk.

The magazine then wen downhill IMHO so i ceased buying it, sad after 5 years of loyal following.

my interested them become a dormant one, and i subsequently noticed the S@ N comeing out just as my interested was being rekindled.

to be fair i think its a gr8 mag. Always something of interest in it.

I renewed my sub, got me book.

Not sure how long they can keep going with material on the CD ROM, mind u, u do get to see the Sky at night on it, and there is the planetarium which i find most imformative.

stil, each to their own i guess.

I suppose the fact i have forgotten much of my astronomy over the years might explain y i find it useful

THinking on doing some OU courses on it this year.


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Whoa! What has this site got running on it? It just reset my desktop colour scheme and my browser when I entered it! Sorry, but I'm very wary of any site doing weird stuff like this. What else is the code behind the page doing that we can't see?

I think you're talking about the Practical Astronomy site and not SGL, although the PA site didn't cause any problems on my machine. If you're running Firefox install the No Script add-on: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/722

This little plug-in will block all scripts running until you specifically allow them. It can take a bit of time to initially configure your favourite sites, but IMHO it's well worth the effort as it’ll prevent malicious scripts running.

And... if you’re not running Firefox... why not? :D :D

Best, Col.

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I think you're talking about the Practical Astronomy site and not SGL, although the PA site didn't cause any problems on my machine. If you're running Firefox install the No Script add-on: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/722

This little plug-in will block all scripts running until you specifically allow them. It can take a bit of time to initially configure your favourite sites, but IMHO it's well worth the effort as it’ll prevent malicious scripts running.

And... if you’re not running Firefox... why not? :D :D

Best, Col.

Yes I was talking about the Practical Astronomy website. Thanks for the link to the No Script addon. I am in fact using Firefox as I consider it safer than Internet Exploder, but unfortunately, not everything works in Firefox so sometimes IE is still neccessary and is called reluctantly into service when required.

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I get Sky@Night I think it is a lot better than Astronomy Now , but the best magazine is Sky and Telescope I can read this at my work but if the observatory did not subscribe to it I would buy it. it is very useful to see what is available in the US , I have bought two telescopes from the US as I refuse to pay the rip of Britain prices :D

another magazine which has not been mentioned is the Irish astronomy and space which is excellent only costs £2.40 unlike the more expensive English magazines has more info and articles on observing and how to find things , I recommend this to beginners ,as long as you ignore the telescope adverts there as not as many but the prices are worse than the English magazines !.

the glossy adds for expensive telescopes don't bother me ,they do give an impression that you need huge expensive telescopes to do astronomy

but I love small scopes 60mm looking at the moon , planets and double stars

can even put my web cam on with out a motor drive or Eq mount !

once Hubble went up I lost all interest in aperture fever ! , I can get access to a 250mm Cooke or a 12inch Meade SCT but at the end of the day I get the most fun out of pushing my 60mm with decent eyepieces.

Robert :saturn:

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I flit between them all. Review them in WHSmith and then buy the best one. This month S@N took the honours.

Worth noting that the best mag for an enthusiast can't be bought on the high street. It's called Practical Astronomer and is mainly geared towards the imagers. But it also has the most in-depth equipment reviews. Not so many ads (i like ads, so that's a negative in my book), plus cuts out all the theory related articles (i don't like theory, so no big bang rubbish is a major plus in my book).


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Ive just bought Astronomy Now after choosing between that and the BBC one. I like all the science and theory behind it, which is why im a subscriber to New Scientist, as i like the indepth and informative articles they publish in there.

Ive only just started this hobby seriously, after many years of just staring at the sky. Depending what you want out of it depends what magazine you buy.

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