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Hi, there: my name's Mark and I'm in Glasgow. I am a product of Stargazing Live lol - I have watched the past 3 series. I have no equipment (yet!) but I have done a wee bit of lunar photography with my DSLR...

So I have caught the bug, and am looking to buy some kit... which I would like to use in due course for a bit of imaging. I have therefore ignored some of the advice to steer clear of astrophotography, but taken the other advice and just ordered a copy of "Every Photon Counts"! (I already have Michael Covington's "Digital SLR Astrophotography").

I've been impressed by SGL while I've been lurking, so thought I should say hi and forewarn you of more questions to follow... hopefully in shorter posts than this!

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Hi mark and welcome to the forum. You have certain made a good decision by getting hold of a copy of Steve's book as its necessary to get a good overview of the different imaging possibilities that exist before committing to any hard earned cash. It is amazing what can be achieved by the 'amateur' astronomer and if you buy wisely, you will have kit that can last a very long time and provide much enjoyment.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy the forum.


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Hello Mark, and welcome. If you haven't found it yet, download 'Stellarium' for your computer and start clicking on the various options on the screen to find your way around the skies. This was advice given to me when I first joined and was extremely helpful. If you have an android device, 'Sky Map' is very similar, and portable. Both these programmes are free.

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Hi Mark and a warm welcome to SGL. I bought my kit with the sole intention of Astro Photography and 4 months on I can say I absolutely love it. If you have an interest in it and are prepared for the very steep learning curve you would be able to do it. It isn't easy as there is a lot to learn, but worth every hour spent on it.

Happy Stargazing and enjoy your Astro journey.

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