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advice on second scope.

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ok so ive decided on a second scope but this time with a goto.

I have a dob 200p but upgrading to a new goto mount is gonna cost more than i can afford so decided on a second scope that will point me in the right direction and will help me navigate so i know where to point ny 200p.

budget is around £300 - £400 may also use it with my dslr.

Would love some advice and possible scopes to get.

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Seems like a bit of a strange idea to me, buying another scope so you can know where to point the one you already have. Personally I'd recommend you have a look at improving your finders. Do you have a right angled correct image finder? These help immensely as they show the same thing as your star chart, or your eye when looking into the sky. A Telrad or red dot finder of some sort would be an asset too. These zero power finders project rings so you can see exactly where the scope us pointing.

You can add setting circles to a Dob base and use an angle finder to use coordinates to help you locate objects too.

If you wanna learn to navigate as your post suggests. Your best bet is.......well to navigate.

There are plenty of phone apps about that'll help you to learn the skies too. They're a lot cheaper than a Goto scope :)

I doubt very much if any scope plus DSLR at around £300-£400 is gonna be very successful at deep sky AP.

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a lot of it comes down to easiness , With the disabilities I have searching can be quite a task so getting a goto would help loads. I do have a right angles correct image finder which does help a lot .

I was just thinking that maybe a goto system would ease some of the problems i have when searching.

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If you are happy with your current scope, why not buy an EQ1 or EQ3 with tracking/goto for your camera to take longer exposures for widefield? That'll keep you interested for a while...

You can then look out for a decent Refractor telescope OTA to put on the EQ3 later.   :)

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Thanks for the advice guys :) it is much appreciated . I will look into all of the above :)

Disability wise I have spinal and nerve problems which affect my neck alot and twisting and bending while moving has a nasty side effect this is why I got my self a right angled viewer to help but was hoping a goto may ease some of the pain by finding what i want then all i had to do is just look into the viewer once it has what i want track and in view.

Im sort of stuck in a tight corner because I sort of want to look at everything but im limited to how long I can stay outside at times.

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I used to hate the backache and neckache I got after an observing session. this was often created by longer than necessary looking/searching through a straight finder. buying a Telrad (with the 4" riser), a RACI finder and making an observing seat has transformed my comfort during sessions. finding objects is also much easier with a good star map.

not sure of this helps but hope it does.

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i will look into this Telrad and see if it will be beneficial :)

You guys are excellent you have given me quite a few things to look into :) atleast I can save the money and maybe buy a motorised DOB setup at a later date just by looking a 200 - 250p goto  dob is about 750 upwards.

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Do you use an adjustable observers chair, as this will assist with good posture, when at the eyepiece?

For locating targets with your current set up, (as Shane has already mentioned) if you use a telrad, consider fitting a 4" riser bar, which will be more comfortable to use. There is also the option (which some people such as myself prefer) to remove your finder scope and use the telrad in this more accessible location &  with a low power wide field ep, as your finder.

Another alternative will be a fork mounted SCT such as a CPC 8" or 925", which will have full go-to functions and provide excellent ergonomics, when  seated, observing. However even second hand, this option will may be out of your stated budget range.   

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  • 4 weeks later...

hi guys many thanks for all the info:) its been a few weeks and ive done some nice sort of research.

Im thinking of getting the celestron cg-5 gt goto mount and just putting my 200p onto it. :) The mount is £498 and about £40 for the scope rings and £17 for the bar.

Now before I commit would you guys say its a good price ? and is it easy enough to set up ?

Would love your feedback :)


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