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2013 Geminids

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Just popped out for 30 mins. Perfect timing as the moon had just about set behind the houses opposite. Within the first 2 mins 3 went past then nothing for about 10 mins then another 3 then nothing for another 10 mins mainly around jupiter 80% to the bottom left of it. Not worth getting scope out as there was a slight haze. My neck started to get stiff so called it a night (morning :) quite happy tho

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I got 50 last night, which I think is the most I've ever seen in one night. Some real stunners among them. One really bright one went right through Orion's belt. I was trying to photo them too, with the camera on the NEQ6 shooting 3 minute exposures with the 18-55mm lens, but I don't think my old Nikon is sensitive enough. I did get some nice constellation shots however. I packed up at 3:30am.

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I was out for a couple of hours and I too counted around 50 that I saw directly and probably saw another 20 or 30 out the corner of my eye. It was a great display, i don't usually make much effort to go out to watch meteor showers but after tonight's i'm definitely going to now!

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Was a great show, I saw about 10 in a short time, maybe 30-40 minutes of looking.

At one point I was standing with my brother in law looking east and purely by coincidence we both turned round spontaneously to see a breathtaking fireball stream across the  southern sky!

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Was a great show, I saw about 10 in a short time, maybe 30-40 minutes of looking.

At one point I was standing with my brother in law looking east and purely by coincidence we both turned round spontaneously to see a breathtaking fireball stream across the southern sky!

What time was that?

I saw a spectacular fireball towards the Northwest which I captured with my camera. The time was about 23.42

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Just back in from a session this morning. Dog woke us up to alert us to the clear "ish" skies..... so we togged up for a 5.30 to 6.30 observation stint. Spotted 15 meteors in that time, three left trails. Noticed the meteors appear in pulses, a short flurry of activity then 5-10 mins of nothing, followed by another pulse of activity. Well worth the effort though.

Now enjoying the coffee and crumpets as a reward!!!


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Only just getting in to star watching and astronomy but made the effort to go some where local and dark last night and went home speechless at what we saw!! Really could do with these more often ...... If only

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Only just getting in to star watching and astronomy but made the effort to go some where local and dark last night and went home speechless at what we saw!! Really could do with these more often ...... If only

There's always the ursids shower peaking on the 22nd December. Not rated as good but still worth a look if that's what your into

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In all I saw 4 bright ones between 11pm and midnight and then a further 23 from midnight to 00;35.

thereafter I saw only 1 until 01:05. when I called it a night as I was exhausted from the day before and had to get up early.

Not a bad little evening at all as they were all bright (they had to be as the sky was hazy enough for the moon to turn it

a milky colour),

Would have been better without the moon but apparently " It is not within IOW council's remit to shift orbiting bodies" 

Where does my council tax go? 


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