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IC410 & IC405 4 pane mosaic


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I've wanted to do this for some time and finally they are well placed for me to get a nice long run each night. This is a 2x2 pane mosaic, and my ultimate plane is to add OIII to it and see what happens. As a mono image this has worked quite well and I am looking forward to getting the rest of the data.

Each pane has taken 1 night, in total there is 27.5 hours of data. I welcome any comments on processing etc.


M: Avalon Linear Fast reverse

T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x

C: Atik 460EXM with 3nm Ha filter

55x1800s Ha in total.


A larger version can be seen here http://swagastro.weebly.com/uploads/2/3/3/7/23377322/ic410_ic405.jpg

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That's gorgeous Sara.

I fear you may be disappointed by the Oiii in the area though, IC410 is rich in it. However a Ha/RGB would come out a treat like this, and show off the reflection elements in 405.



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Sara this is awesome! Theres so much going on here. Though I think the HaRGB would look superb with you current data, since I really like the reflection nebula in the fov, but I would like see what OIII would show as well.

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The Ha mosaic looks terrific Sara, the only slight tweak you may consider is to see if the actual tadpoles could be elevated a little (or the background in that area reduced a tad) so they stand out a little more? To get 27.5 hours of data though is a huge achievement with just one filter and it shows in the lovely depth you have. I think 405 especially stands out really well. I've done a similar mosaic in full narrowband, although nowhere near the exposure lengths you have, and I'm hitting a brick-wall with the processing. In my attempt, 405 just comes our bright red everywhere, there's virtually no OIII or SII there, yet 410 comes out predominantly light blue and colour-wise the two don't sit too well together - having to rethink what I'm going to do here. Look forward to seeing your next iteration of this lovely image though.


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Terrific image Sara!

The only constructive criticism that I could make goes along the lines of Martin's comments above. IC405 looks absolutely amazing, but I find IC410 just a bit over-saturated in some parts.  I know one has to be very careful with HDMR in PI but perhaps if you run it with a suitable mask over the very bright area you might be able to attenuate it a bit while giving at the same time more relevance to the tadpoles.

Anyway, a fantastic image setting the bar very high once again!



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Thanks all - I will have a look at the Tadpoles Martin and Epicyle - I did find it a little easy to overdo them, so perhaps erred on the side of caution a little too much - A good call from you both :smiley:

I'm collecting the OIII as we speak, I think if nothing else Martin you have set me a real challenge to try to get them both how I want them, not how the data wants it!!!

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Fabulous image so far Sara. Just a quick question though, from what i have thus far gleaned in a very limited knowledge of astrophotography is that the general guideline seems to be that adding more than 20 or so subs results in a steep diminished return of improvement. You seems to regularly add many more subs than this (and there is no doubting the fabulous results) and wondered if you do not think there is a diminished return cut off point? Maybe the rule works very differently for HA than OSC imaging?


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Thanks all for your continued comments.

@Chris - As this is a 4 pane mosaic, there is 14 subs in two of the panes, 10 in another and 17 in another - 55 in total :smiley: Regarding the 20 rule, I would certainly disregard that for luminance and RGB. I don't think you can ever have enough luminance!

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Thank you Sara typical me diving in without giving the description proper thought  :mad:  Of course its not 55 subs per frame doh. Interesting your take on the sub quota for luminance though. Is that just luminance you think more is always better or does that apply across the board? Ill definitely have to keep that in mind.

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I don't know how you do this Magic, but looks beautifull :laugh:


@Chris - I've really not done enough LRGB imaging to give a definitive answer on the number of subs for luminance, but I gather as many as I can be bothered to do really. For example, I did an M81/M82 image earlier in the year and was specifically looking for the Integrated flux (http://www.flickr.com/photos/swag72/8645609873/) I took a total of 55 luminance subs, but was thwarted by the weather. Ideally I'd wanted double that. I suppose you get a feel for the data, what you want to achieve with and so how much you need.

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Just stunning Sara - you've gone really deep there.

You've implied that you've had four clear nights - one per pane - lucky lady!

Looking forward to seeing some colour.


You're right there Steve - 4 consecutive nights for the Ha and so far 2 more for the OIII. Sadly  I am back to Somerset tomorrow for a few days, so that's it for a bit. My luck has run out I fear!!

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