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Hello from VA


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I'm one of those people who love to learn new things.  I'm also cursed (or blessed depending on how you look at it) with the need for constant stimulation.  Because of that I am always looking for new things to try.  I also have a bit of an obsessive personality which lets me focus really intently on something for a period of time.

In the past I've used my particular traits to learn foreign languages (though none have really stuck well) computer programming, photography, sewing, cooking, and many more things.  During the move from my parents house to an apartment with my fiance I came across my old telescopes and thought, why not try astronomy for a bit?

Well . . . here I am.  Obsessing over the night sky and cursing the clouds every night.  I know where the constellations are from my back porch and when they come into good view and I know how to zero in on Jupiter like riding a bicycle.  I even know where to find comet ISON, though I've yet to see it because of the light pollution and my inability to wake up before the sun.

My goal during this period of obsessiveness is to learn all I can and experience some really great things.  I hope to be able to use my photography skills to get some good photos of the moon and maybe Jupiter.  And I hope to meet some nice people along the journey.

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Welcome to the forum! Good to see another person from VA on here :)  This is a great hobby but becareful you can REALLY get sucked into it and unfortunately its not s cheap hobby lol. But well worth the rewards, in my opinion anyways.

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Welcome to SGL, nvchad!

Baseball fan?


I watch a little baseball.  Used to watch a lot of the Orioles games but not so much anymore.

Thanks to everyone so far for the warm welcome!  Looking forward to posting a few images I managed to get last night.

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