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Clear, bit could not get into it tonight


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Been a busy day ferrying my wife around Oncologists and for tests for her biopsy on Thursday.  Got home at 19:30 and thought a spot of Astro might take my mind of it with an unexpected clear sky.  It didn't though so I packed up after an hour.  I feel guilty to miss a clear night but if your mind's not into it.....

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I had an evening like that last week. A bad day in a month of pretty poor ones. I took the kit out but my heart wasn't in it and came in again after half an hour.

Best wishes to you both.

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With many things in life there are occasions when you just can't "find the groove".  In my experience it's better to learn to recognise the fact and give in gracefully in the knowledge that you've made the right decision than to fight it and not to enjoy the time.


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Forcing yourself, how ever clear the night should be, just leads to frustration.

It's a hobby like every other, and sometimes it's a welcome distraction, sometimes it's better not to get too wound about "missing a clear night". Sometimes a nice walk helps much better.

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Ay, I can understand the sentiment, but seriously, life is messed up enough without hurting yourself for not heading out for the evening. There's absolutely no need to feel that you 'should' go out when there's a clear night.

I hope your wife is okay and my best wishes to both of you.

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To put it in perspective:

My other 'love' is scuba diving, as you may guess from the avatar. A couple of years ago I was due to head out on an interesting, deep dive but I'd had a lot on my mind both work and personal stuff. The morning dawned calm with clear blue skies - perfect. I knew I wasn't in the right frame of mind to be underwater for 2 to 3 hours so drove the hour to the boat, handed over my £50 for the booking and wished everyone well for the dive. Then drove home perfectly happy I'd made the right choice.

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You do have to remind yourself sometimes that it's a hobby at the end of the day. Sometimes life gets in the way. I've gotten myself to the point where I can stay inside and sleep after a long day at work and not feel guilty because it's clear. I know that, occasionally at least, I'll be up to it and the weather will co-operate.

Best wishes to the Mrs.

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I sincerely hope all goes well for your Mrs and yourself.

My wife went through something similar just last month, fortunately all turned out well in the end.

The scope was the last thing on my mind at the time but it can also give you a rest bite from the strain of all the uncertainty.


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Just remember that a hobby is something your meant to enjoy and if you don't feel up to it now and then it's ok, you have a lot on your mind that is far more important, the stars will be there next time there's a clear night forever :)

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