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Need to identify a Newt.


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To begin this is my first telescope, and to be frank im enthralled. Ive always been interested in outer space, but after seeing the night sky its somthing else! I have been viewing as weathere here permits, and started learning about the constilations, and to a degree about optics and plotting.

it is a Celestron and the barrel reads:

155mm Newtonian

telescope- 1000mm f/7

made by the poor

ahem party

but I digress

The tripod is an equatorial mount but there dosent appear to be any

serial or other markings besides the Ra and azimuth and I dont thhink the ra is working because the guage moves freely and not with the dial.

I also have both 20mm and a 5mm eyepieces, while ive been very pleased with them I feel that I have a slight lack of focus with both. Ive stabalized my mount and that helped, I belive now the problem is because the surfaces are dirty, but im reluctant to dissamble it. An idea occured to me to use a magnet to retain the nut while removing the screws that secure the reflector assembly but I did not know it this might disturbe somthing.

Any information about these celestron scopes, or about maintaining an older newtonian would be very helpful.

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Can you post a pic? That will help enormously.

Lack of focus could be collimation. How old is it, when did you get it?

I am guessing you bought seconf hand.

Do not touch the mirror assembly at this stage, wait for advice that will come from the really great people on this site. Most people do not clean their mirror unless absolutely required.

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Hi welcome to SGL sounds like you got a nice 6 " planetary scope there ( f7 ) As mentioned try and post a pic of both the scope and optics if you can. I wouldn't do anything until you have discussed in length about what the problems might be and how to cure them. The optics could be dirty. But great care and caution is needed when cleaning them. Or you can damage there delicate surfaces. Done correctly you can bring the telescope back to life. But this is all assumption. The optics might not even be dirty.  A picture would really help if you can

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The tripod is an equatorial mount but there dosent appear to be any serial or other markings besides the Ra and azimuth and I dont thhink the ra is working because the guage moves freely and not with the dial.


Welcome Devin!

I can't help too much in identification, but with regards the RA not working, it may be that this is actually OK. The RA setting circle should be able to move independently so that it can be accurately set. Is there a little grub-screw on/near it that you can tighten to lock the dial down? Or is there a hole where it looks like one might have been but has been lost?

Hope that makes sense, although I may not have understood the description quite right. Stick some pictures up for people to have a look over, and I'm sure the assembled minds can help you out!

Clear skies :)

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Hi Devin, and welcome to SGL. I fully understand the enthralled bit as that's how it gets me - it's wonderful to be able to take your interest to the next level by seeing the sky through the telescope.

Happy Stargazing.


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Ive just gotten home and have only a couple min

firstly thank you all for such a warm welcome I decided to join this community among others precisely because of how friendly everone is

on the technical side

i am not shure how to post pictures I only have internet on my phone would taptalk help?

i belive that thescope is colluimated but I will check it again

it had been sitting on an auction floor for years I presume

i have looked as best I can with a flaslight and can see dust/particls and some fibers as well

after cleaning the eyepieces I noticed a significant improvement

Hoping to test the collumination llater tonight and I will also get somr pictures of the scope and mount I apriciate the help with the Ra guage I did some reading in the van at work and I think I need to learn more about its operation before I have any more questions there.

I really appriciate everything guys

clear skys!

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