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Jupiter 24.10.13 Better Seeing at Last!!!


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At last some better seeing than of late. I had around an hour of pretty decent conditions and this is the first RGB series I have processed from this session. I think that this particular capture may have a bit more to give but it's now 2.30am and my eyes are closing on me!!! I'm sure there will be a few re-processes on the cards.

I'm pleased with the detail in this image, the red channel was especially nice and those details just pop when the seeing plays ball :rolleyes:

Weather not looking great for a few days now so a good opportunity to play with the other runs and see how far I can go with this data. 

There's no doubt that RGB processing is a lot more work than using my old DFK, but it sure is worth the effort.

Let's hope that seeing plays ball a few more times for all of us especially as we approach opposition.




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Lovely Pete, that collection of white spots on the north polar region really stand out. As does that dark spot with large dark feature above it.  At last some proper detail with your excellent Meade Optics. You must be happy to have some data to finally sink your teeth into.

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Just looking at this again and i think there is too much blue in the mix. Just goes to show what tired eyes can do for your processing!!

Here's another version. Better colour balance (on this monitor anyway) and North at the top.



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Well Pete it looks a darn fine image on this "Inspiron" screen. Lovely detail with GRS on one limb and subtle shading of Jupiter`s slight "phase" on the other. Bodes well for you at opposition. Weather, of course, that`s another story..... :rolleyes:. Brilliant.

                                                         Best regards,


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Many thanks Stuart, Darryl and Ralph. Much appreciated.

Good to know it looks ok on Inspiron screens Ralph.

That barge certainly is very prominent Darryl ...will be interesting to see how it develops.


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