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Clear Skies for 2 Nights Alert.


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Good Afternoon Fellow Astronomers.

I may be telling you all the obvious, but Wed & Thurs nights look crystal clear.

My Astro forecasts are usually right and although it is a bit damp & cloudy now. It is supposed to be great from 9pm onwards.

I am in the Midlands but generally it looks good.

Just saying x.


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Aye but by God its cold in this neck of the woods, strong north wind blowing now. Its a real shock to the system as ive got used to sitting out as the dark nigths returned in a t-shirt and jean. Full winter kit needed tonight!

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They got the forecast bang on here - it is cold, windy, cloudy with occasional showers.  Brrrr!

Just seen bbc look north weather looks like its going to be rough in your neck of woods 60mph winds and heavy showers next 24 hours

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Just seen bbc look north weather looks like its going to be rough in your neck of woods 60mph winds and heavy showers next 24 hours

Just popped outside here in Margate, beautifully clear sky, but that wind speed sounds about right!  Didn't stay outside for long!

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Just popped outside here in Margate, beautifully clear sky, but that wind speed sounds about right!  Didn't stay outside for long!

and its brass monkeys teashirt weather yesterday coat and wooly hat today what a difference a day makes

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I don't believe it !

Went for a walk at 8, there wasn't a cloud in sight, got back at 9, still clear.

Setup aligned and ready to go by 9:15.

Came in for a cup of tea (really cold outside) and out by 9:30.

Clouds came rolling in, wall to wall cover in 15 minutes.

Waited an hour, seemed to be getting worse, and to cap it all it starting spitting a little.

Packed up and came in. Looked out 10 minutes later, it was clear.

I wasn't going to set up again so got the binos out and spent half an hour looking at kembles cascade, the double cluster and

the alpha persei cluster.


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