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What are the odds? Seriously!


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Hi All,

What are the chances of this..

I set up at my parents a few days ago because it is East facing and I was waiting for Jupiter.

So to pass the time I was looking at some open clusters near Cassiopeia.

Using a 12" SCT and a 26mm SP eyepiece, I show my dad.

Exactly as he looked through the eyepiece, a meteor whizzes through his field of vision !!

Have you ever heard anyone do that? In that tiny field of view, at that exact second. Amazing.

My dad was chuffed to bits and I thought this must be like a 'hole in one' for Astronomy.

It was 0.44' degree's out of the entire sky.


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I have seen meteors flash through my FOV before. Even though the FOV is small, the aperture is bigger, so you cansee much fainter ones, which are far more common.

Still an awesome sight when it happens

Cool. I have never heard that.

Nice to know thanks x.

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Haha, he is 78 and he was like a little boy saying 'wow, I just seen a shooting star'. It was great for him.

I came back at 4am for Jupiter.

1st proper view since a 4" Rubbish reflector.

Was so amazing I got my dad up to see.

(He was awake, sort of and I made him a cuppa)

He absolutely Loved it. That same sharp intake of breath, and wow!

I sat there for an hour solid. Wooly hat pulled down over one eye (good tip), sat on a stool transfixed at the belts.

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when the south wales group had its latest star party a few weeks ago, i was using my bins as well as one of our members scopes and i think on that night i saw about 4 through the FOV,   the draconids were just coming around so its there they came from, but it does send a shivver up the spine every time

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I've seen many objects pass by the fov in my scopes including planes, satellites, meteorites, and birds. I've also seen a jumbo jet fly through my solar scope fov during daytime - upside down! I have yet to see a helicopter though. :)

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A decent display by the Draconids on Thursday night in South Wales. My son and I were out with the scope hunting DSOs and we saw about dozen between approx 9.30pm - 12.00am, including two in the telescope. No doubt we would have seen a lot more if we stopped looking at DSOs and concentrated on the meteor shower instead.

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I'm amazed you could notice a meteor fly past in a scope, it would be an extremely fleating appearence indeed given the FOV you'd have and the speed they tend to cross the sky at.

It could possibly have been a satellite. That is because of the very limited FOV a satellite would appear to zip through very quickly, giving the impression of a meteor. I have spotted a few satellites whilst looking through the telescope and they certainly make me jump when I see one.

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I'm amazed you could notice a meteor fly past in a scope, it would be an extremely fleating appearence indeed given the FOV you'd have and the speed they tend to cross the sky at.

The difference is appreciable though; the other night I was observing the California Nebula when a meteor flashed past instantaneously, whereas the satelites I've seen can be consciously tracked to the edge of the eyepiece.

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