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That's interesting Mark, and useful to know as I will be using APT when I start doing my imaging with the DSLR.

Will probably only be able to do it when I'm on my own, or with other imagers, as the laptop screen will not go down well if others are trying to do visual.

After my frustrating time last night, APT will help me achieve good focus without losing half my battery life too!

Thanks for the heads up Mark :)

You can set APT to green or red so once it starts up no need for red film [emoji106]
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Ruby lith is the answer Vicky, when you start up the laptop it will always be in white light, before you open any programs, so best to cover the screen from the start. I think both APT and Backyard EOS have a red option, but with ruby lith it doesn't matter.

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Mark I've always used DSS and it will stack images of different lengths and combine the times to give you a total exposure. Think the issue is darks etc. As it likes comparable timings for these and your light frames :)

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Thanks chaps. I've always got a sheet of red film in my laptop case when I'm out and about - Leigh kindly gave me some before our trip to Kielder in April.

Think I just prefer to be anti-social when I'm trying to be "serious" with my imaging, and do it on my own.

I'm too busy gas-bagging on meet-ups to get any proper work done lol :)

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Thanks chaps. I've always got a sheet of red film in my laptop case when I'm out and about - Leigh kindly gave me some before our trip to Kielder in April.

Think I just prefer to be anti-social when I'm trying to be "serious" with my imaging, and do it on my own.

I'm too busy gas-bagging on meet-ups to get any proper work done lol :)

I'm same Vicky it's stressful enough trying to get everything done.

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Mark I've always used DSS and it will stack images of different lengths and combine the times to give you a total exposure. Think the issue is darks etc. As it likes comparable timings for these and your light frames :)

I did not know it was the darks. It comes on screen saying that the times and colours are different. Will give it a try with different lights and same length of darks to see how it goes [emoji106]
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Hi guys,

I've just been looking at the long range weather forecasts right up to the 20th December and they are pretty much the same as we have had for the last 2 months.

Windy, cloudy and raining. There wasn't one night where it was actually clear!

Not looking good let's just hope after that it is all clear.


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I was going to say the same thing Damian, but I was just trying to stay positive, the forecast for the rest of the week isn't good, weather systems rolling in from the south west and west bringing lots of rain and cloud with it.

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Fingers crossed first light with new scope tonight as it's relatively stable and clear out.

The mirror box is set up on the patio cooling down at present.

Soupy is hoping to pop round to give it the inaugural first viewing


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Just a quick heads up, there an horizon program on at 8pm, Sunday 13th BBC, so this Sunday. It's about Tim peake on how to be an astronaut. If cookies his journey over the last Couple of years training. Also bbc1 next Tuesday they have his launch at 10:30 am live, then on bbc2 at 7pm the same day they have his arrival to the ISS live.

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Fingers crossed first light with new scope tonight as it's relatively stable and clear out.

The mirror box is set up on the patio cooling down at present.

Soupy is hoping to pop round to give it the inaugural first viewing


Oo nice one Damian. Can I have a walk down for a nosey :)

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Just a quick heads up, there an horizon program on at 8pm, Sunday 13th BBC, so this Sunday. It's about Tim peake on how to be an astronaut. If cookies his journey over the last Couple of years training. Also bbc1 next Tuesday they have his launch at 10:30 am live, then on bbc2 at 7pm the same day they have his arrival to the ISS live.

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What cookies are they ? Chocolate chip?

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wow, wonders never cease, the skies cleared and the stars shone so the Dob got an airing.

In no particular order, here's my list for the past couple of hours:

M45 Pleiades - resplendent in my 24mm es82

M32 Andromeda with neighbouring M110 - both looked really good with very subtle averted imagination vision structure to M32

Mirachs ghost NGC404 was very tough this evening, but i got it in the end

M33 pinwheel was only just, and stupidly feint. really is an imagers galaxy only this one

M74 - galaxy in cetus - couldnt find it for definite

M77 - although feinter than M74, I got the core very easily on this one. 

Hyades - just browsed about

M35 - lovely cluster as always, and bagged NGC2158 next door to it

NGC2264 - christmas tree cluster, but got not nebula from the cone etc, even with the UHC and O3 filters. too much light pollution

NGC2392 - Eskimo nebula. This thing does not exist! I've looked for this bloomin thing for 3 years and not found it.....

M44 Beehive cluster is magnificient as always

In to Auriga - traditional thing to do cos its there

M37, 36 and 38 - M36 is half decent open cluster, but the other two are just bobbins. I reckon Mr Messier was just trying to get his count up. However NGC1907 next to M38 has a pretty shape

M1 Crab nebula - sooooooo feint, even with the UHC and O3 it was just a super small smudge

NGC2419 the intergalactive wanderer - well worth finding as it is a lovely compact and tight globular

Then finished off with a bit of Orion - M42+M43 - as always the UHC filter stole the show and it filled my 24mm ep beautifully.

packed away quite happy!

However other news, my alt/az mount is still playing up and will not under any circumstance point towards the second alignment star. It got pointed at Aldebaran and then I choose vega - wanted to point towards australia! Call to lee at greenwitch is on the cards tomorrow.

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Well done for getting out Nick.

We've just packed the scope away as it clouded over and started to rain.

First light was a good test and it actually works and well! Betelguise looks soo bright! And we could both easily split the double of castor and many other doubles.

M35 was just something else and the only proper object we looked at! Full on Wow, grin momment! So many stars.

Never got round to doing much more but a good first light with a few lessons learnt and tweaks to do.

We're just having a beer to celebrate


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