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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Not a very productive night with the camera, as I was too busy enjoying viewing this evening's conjunction.

Venus and Jupiter both just squeezed in the view of the 10mm eyepiece in the 80mm refractor and they both looked amazing.

Just a quick shot out of the DSLR mounted on the 80mm frac. Not brilliant, but hey ho :)

Love your photo with the sneaky aeroplane Soupy - fab!


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I've just had my second gaze of the year at Saturn, and showed three neighbours the magnificent views as well. I'm going to collimate the new scope and see what it's like on the moon, unfortunately Saturn is now next to a lamp post :( great pictures of the conjunction guys! Unfortunately I'm not able to get a wink at it from my house :(

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Loving the new scope, I haven't even polar aligned because I can't see Polaris from my garden and managed to fumble and get 1 min exposure with barely any trail! F3.6 with coma corrector, definitely worth the pennies!

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I will when find out how to post them

Go to the more reply options Neil at the bottom right of the reply to thread box

Takes you to the full editor screen where you can choose file at bottom left of reply box.


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Well, I enjoyed a lovely solar viewing session yesterday using the PST, however I could not get it to focus when using my monochrome CCD. Had a good read on SGL and on-line for solutions, and hey-presto they suggested using a 2 x Barlow to achieve focus. Yay! Looks amazing. Here's a quick shot straight out of the CCD. I've posted as the clouds have come in and it won't work with even the slightest cloud cover (as we discovered on Sunday). I have a couple of tiny dust spots somewhere which I'll try to locate and remove. I'm really impressed with the scope :)


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Think there is only one on the image I posted. The CCD camera is super sensitive and I might not even be able to see the pesky bit of dust! I can see one on the image, bottom middle about an inch up! Not too shabby though :)

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Nicely done Vicky might have to borrow it to get some imaging done, have you still got both?

Thanks Soupy. Yes, I've got both. Can't get on with imaging with the Lunt - I just can't get it to focus, even with the 2 x Barlow, and to be honest I think the Coronado is better for visual observing also. Plus, the Coronado mounts on a standard camera tripod, so it's easy to set up and use. Think Woozy will be collecting the Lunt this week. I will bring the Coronado back at the next meeting. I couldn't get the DSLR to focus, but I have read that monochrome CCD's are the better for solar imaging anyway. I'm so impressed with the detail, but I haven't managed to image any prominences yet :)

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7c611c9f454e8825dea33b6c6c793190.jpg0a1c8f115bb473035407fab15a6999a9.jpg. Here's last nights effort, the moon has a slight red tint to it, I purposely did that to give a bit more contrast, it looked pretty boring black and white, the other picture is an patch of sky between Cassiopeia and somewhere else lol just random,single 40 sec exposure, iso1600 with the Quattro!

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