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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Yes, you can use normal eyepieces with the PST. I used some of my BST Explorer/Starguider range in it to good effect.

I think the Coronado one offers slightly better viewing, but if you want a different magnification then just go ahead and use what you have (or a barlow etc).

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Spent a couple of hours at winscarr last night and it was good to get the scope up and running again after a month off.

Fog cut play but managed a few galaxies around Pegasus so quite happy.

Weather not looking good for the foreseeable future but hoping to get out more now at least one of my projects is out of the way except the tinkering.

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I have some good news to share; I've been in contact with a chap who owns a Pulsar 2.2m observatory dome and he's now in a position to sell it. Got a decent deal on the price and should hopefully be picking it up on Sunday.

It'll need dismantling, which is ok, since I've not even started preparing the site/foundations yet for where it'll go in my garden!

Leigh - I've sent you a PM.

If anyone's free on Sunday morning/lunchtime to lend a hand then please get in touch.

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sent you a PM Matt,

Think I know why I got no useful images from my night at winscarr with Keiran, is because after the nifty fifty lens dewed up, I switched to my 18-55mm lens wide open at 18mm, but forgot to change the exposure times according to the 600 rule which Keiran explained to me, so I was still shooting at 12 secs, when I should have been able to get around 30 secs,

Ah well still learnt a lot, will have to remember for next time,

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Walked out the back door for work to a typically autumnal morning.

Looking up I was greeted by Auriga, Gemini, and Orion framed between the clouds in the inky black looking as glorious as ever.

Jupiter in the north east looked magnificently clear and bright just above the head of leo.

All at the ungodly hour of 5am but worth every second as always,


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Got out with Kieran for a couple of hours again last night.

Skies were good in parts as hazy cloud drifted in occasionally.

I managed to chalk off another few of the NGC galaxies in and around Pegasus with some being exceptional finds.

Cloud rolled in around midnight to stop play but by that time we were both struggling and probably suffering from burning the candle at both ends all week so called it and headed for home.

Could see Betelgeuse and Bellatrix at the top of Orion above the horizon on my way home.

Fingers crossed the weather is kind over the next few night's for some more sessions

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