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:grin: :grin:

Well after a week of clouds since my first scope arriving I fanally did it.

First task was to test the focus so went for the Big dipper for and easy spot on Mizar and Alcor , up to the 10mm ep got me Mizar A and Mizar B,

even this simple spot gave me my first astro buzz.

2nd easy target was to set up on Cassiopeia and drop to the double cluster where I intended to just test the ep's and barlow.....WOW,,, was still lookin 30 mins later.!!!!!.

a few whispy clouds drifted over so abandonded my hunt for M31 , and swung around the sky picking off the brighter star and trying to see any colour difference which to be honest I couldnt , until taurus came up and could definately make out a slight orange tint to Aldebaran if I pulled the focus a little.

About 11pm I think by now and the sky went crystal clear but orange street lights to my south ruled out that side but above the milky way was becoming clear and I spotted Pleiades and went in with the 25mm ,, OMFG , I used to call this the 7 sisters , now its the 700 sisters. another half hour went in seconds :)

So the hunt for my first galaxy started, the 25mm found me nothing and seemed to be picking up some of the orange street lighting so went over to the 10mm and BINGO within a few minutes there she was,, not much to look at at x65 but the fuzzy elipse and the obvious center had me grinnin proper :lol:

Ok so now i want a better look so on with the barlow.............. and...........nothin.

Off with the barlow for another buzz , but could I find Her again,, tried for 30 mins until light cloud came in so called it a night.

I had just seen 2.5 million years into the past and looked on a whole other galaxy. :icon_bounce:

Ok nothing major here but im sure you all remember you first light,, I know I will..

Cant wait to get out again but it doesnt look good for the the next few nights :icon_frown:

roll on the dark months and bring on those planets.

Clear skies all


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........... OMFG , I used to call this the 7 sisters , now its the 700 sisters......

thats just classic !

I viewed the Pleiades the other night, but could hardly get the constellation in the viewfinder on my 127EQ ? But hoping to better that with the Skyliner later this Week.

Take care.

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Yes all I had a ball alright , until last night I just had magnification on my mind but now thinking i need a longer EP ,, for just the reason Charic says and also the DSO that i have found are much easier to find in my 25mm.

had a clear hour out tonight and fairly easily found the cluster in hercules and the dumbbell. which did require a little time and averted to sorta make out the shape ..and resolved Albireo.

but cannot find the ring nebula which I am dying to see.

should I be able to make it out in my scope ?

Thanks guys.


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HI Ian, a great start to your new hobby, well done! You should be able to get the Ring easily in your scope, just give it a bit of time and patience. To be honest, most viewing is done at low power, so don't be in a hurry to go to high power until the planets come out, Jupiter in the early hours is the only realistic object at the moment, but go on looking for those 'fuzzies' - great stuff and congratulations!

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Yes what a wonderful report- beautifully captures why we do this marvellous hobby and the excitement that people who don't do it can't really understand.

the first question that people usually ask is 'what magnification is it?' But, as Ian has already found out, it's the low mag that often does the trick. I get a tingle every time is see the double cluster or plaeides in my 38mm ep and this post recreated that in the middle of the day!

Roll on the planets indeed - then you will use the magnification until seeing becomes the limit.

Have fun Ian and keep us posted.


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Very nice report. Mizar and Alcor were some of the first stars I went for, to use as markers, and the Pleiades gave me one of my first 'wow' moments, especially when I realised I could see them with the naked eye; it wasn't just a fuzzy cloud hanging round in the same spot.

Hopefully the enthusiasm won't wane and you'll be hooked for life :)

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About 11pm I think by now and the sky went crystal clear but orange street lights to my south ruled out that side but above the milky way was becoming clear and I spotted Pleiades and went in with the 25mm ,, OMFG , I used to call this the 7 sisters , now its the 700 sisters. another half hour went in seconds :)


Made me chuckle - just what I needed after work on a Friday! Great report, loved reading it!

Clear skies


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