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Herbig Haro 555 & friends


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I seem to be missing out on all the fun recently working whenever there has been been clear skies, but last night I got my turn. After a fun evening at the Greenwich Observatory watching "It Came from Outer Space!!" in the planetarium it was time to get home sharpish for some real astronomy. I decided there was too much moonlight about for LRGB work, so gave the 6" RC it's first real workout in narrowband.

My interest in this image is with Herbig–Haro objects, which are small patches of nebulosity associated with newly born stars, and are formed when narrow jets of gas ejected by young stars collide with clouds of gas and dust nearby at speeds of several hundred kilometres per second.

The Pelican Nebula, IC 5070, has perhaps the most famous of these, HH 555, but the image in fact contains several more.

3 hours exposure time in Hydrogen Alpha with an Altair Astro 6" RC & Atik 314l+, processed in Pixinsight & CS5.

I hope you like! :D


And an annotated version for those who like that sort of thing....


There is technically another HH object in the frame, it is very faint and I have not labelled it as I don't believe I have captured it in this image,

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